Chapter 9: Artemis

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I hear the whizzing sound of an arrow, and watch as it hits the man in the shoulder, knocking him away. I gasp. I hear running and see Green Arrow coming towards me.

"You shouldn't have done that." I wheeze.

"He could have killed you." Green Arrow says.

"Well now he can kill you too." I say as I stand up.

"Who's you friend?" The man asks as he pulls the arrow from his shoulder and stands up.

"He is not my friend." I say as I get my bow ready. I look to the side and see Greenie doing the same.

"Listen I didn't want to hurt you, but I was told you didn't do your job and drop off the drive." The man says.

"The drive? What drive?" Green Arrow asks.

"Nothing. It's not important." I say.

"I was ordered to bring it and you in. And to use whatever force necessary. Give me the drive. And I'll let you go." The man says.

"Never." I say.

"Give me the drive." I shake my head.

"No. I don't know what's on it, but I know it should not be in the hands of people like you!" I say. The man chuckles

"People like me?" He repeats. I point my bow at him, the arrow aimed for his heart.

"I'm starting to get angry Artemis. Give me the drive." He says as he takes a step towards me.

"Don't move! Or I'll finally find out if you truly are heartless." I say.

"Artemis, be a good girl and give me the drive." The man says as he goes to take another step.

"She said not to move." Green Arrow says.

"Fine. Don't give me the drive. I'll be back." The man says as he pulls something out of his pocket. My eyes widen as I recognize the shape.

"Bomb!" I shout as he throws it onto the ground.

"Look out!" I feel something pushes against me, and I'm thrown to the side as the bomb goes off.

I cough and sit up. I see the Green Arrow laying not to far away. I blink and look around. I spot my bow not to far away. I get up and walk over to it and pick it up.

"Drop the bow." I turn and face Green Arrow.

"Drop the voice disguiser. I know who you are Mr. Queen." I say.

"Fine." He says as the voice manipulator turns off.

"Now, why don't you tell me who you are." He says.

"You can call me Artemis, that's what most people know me as." I say as I press the button on my bow, it shrinks down and I slide it into my pocket.

"What's your real name?" He asks.

"Artemis is the only name I've ever known. If I have an actual name, I've never heard it." I say.

"Where are you from? Why are you here?" He asks.

"I was sent here to steal this." I say as I pull the flash-drive from my pocket.

"Who do you work for?" Oliver asks.

"No one. That guy and a bunch of goons drugged me one night, and the next day I woke up here." I say.

"Who was that man?" He asks.

"A mercinary. And don't bother to ask who he works for, because I don't know." I say.

"Well Artemis, you are coming with me." Oliver says.

"Yeah sure. Whatever." I say as I toss him the flash-drive.

"Maybe your techy friends can figure out why that's so important." I say. Oliver lowers his bow.

"This way." He says. I start following him.

"I still have more questions for you." He says.

"Figured as much." I mutter. He presses a finger against what I'm guessing was a comm.

"Tell Spartan to get a cell ready, we have company."

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