Chapter 2- Meeting Them

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Hiya!! Here's Chapter 2!


I walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell. My phone vibrated and I looked who the text message was from.

Mom- Is anybody home?

I looked back to see my mom opening the door for me.

"Mom I just got here. Relax. And anyway, I hear somebody coming." I shouted loud enough.

She closed the door and got back in the car turning on the engine. The door clicked and swung open.

"Hello. You must be Rikki?" He asked holding his suitcase. I couldn't help myself but just look how huge the house was inside behind him. Eventually, I made eye contact again.

"Yes. Are you Simon? The one I spoke with on the phone about your five sons." I replied smiling.

"I sure am. Welcome." he opened the door wide open enough for me to walk in. This house was truly amazing. Not even a house. Like a castle. It even had my favorite type of stairs. You know the one where it swirls all the way up to the next floor? Yeah those. Some lights were attached to the ceiling but it was just about 1 chandelier per room hanging down. A flat screen TV with a beautiful fire place underneath. Every step I took and echoe came along with it.

"Woah. This is so cool." I whispered. My head turned in all directions in amazment.

"Thank you." he said behind me. He must've heard. "Well, I have to go. The boys should be down any minute now." And with that, he left me, the house, and the five boys I didn't meet yet.

Walking towards the window I watched him get in the van. Before he left, I mouthed a 'thank you' to him and waved goodbye. He gave me a thumbs up and drove off. I then heard creeks behind me. It didn't bother me as much. But it happened almost too much. If it does, it could me that somebody's behind me. That was the only thought I could think of. I felt excited yet freaked out. About this time, half of me was telling me to turn around but another told me to stay put.

I figured I couldn't stay here forever so I turned my head slightly to see from the corner of my eye. Everything seemed okay, so I made a full turn to meet five teenagers that looked my age. "Hello." I said shyly.

"Hi!" said the boy with a stripped shirt and red suspenders shouted excitedly. I jumped a little but still managed to keep smiling. I like this guy. He's funny.

"Are you the five guys that I'm supposed to be babysitting?"

"Woah. Babysitting?" the guy with a.....birthmark? on his neck said. I don't know what that is. Looks like a birthmark to me. "Nobody said anything about babysitting to us. We're grown enough to watch ourselves."

"Liam, chill maybe uncle Si didn't tell us because he knew you would act just like this." the one with curly hair said trying to calm him down. "I'll call him and ask. Just relax, man."

"YEAH!" the stripped shirt one back him up. His yelling is really starting to hurt my ears.

"Could you please stop yelling?" I asked angrily. Wow, first day, just met him, and already annoyed. He turned his smile into a frown. Yeah, I felt bad, but if somebody didn't say anything, he would've kept going. And I'm not trying to become deaf.

"Thank you." the blonde hair with blue eyes whispered. I smiled at him then looked away before things got awkward.

My mouth started to feel dry, I started to breathe more heavy, I figured I was dehydrating. I haven't drunk or been in any water in a LONG time. After all of this time I totally forgot about being half-fish. Trying to ignore it kinda helped but I just wanted to look and sound as normal as possible. But no one noticed me. The curly haired one was still on the phone with Simon while Liam was with him still upset. The one I just yelled at was in a corner rocking back and forth. This boy, man. The blonde one was trying to get him to calm down. So that just left me and a guy with a....quiff? I liked it, it looked like cinnamon bun. He walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"So, what's your name?" he asked.

"Rikki," I smiled.

"That's a pretty name."

"Thanks. And you?"

"Zayn." he answered.

"I like that name." I complimented. He laughed and I just giggled.

"Yeah, and that's Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and you already know me." he pointed out everyone.

"Ohh, okay. Cool."

Louis and Niall came back looking happier than my mother. Louis stared at me like something was wrong with me. I tried to not make eye contact but I could feel my eyes on me. Niall elbowed him.

He sighed then said,"I'm sorry for yelling."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize. It's okay. I'm sorry for being so mean."

Zayn and Niall both smiled at me. I guess it was because I was so polite. I noticed that Niall lost his smile and turned it into a confused expression. "What?" I asked.

"Is that all you brought?" he asked looking down at my bag.

"Yeah. But it's okay. I'll wash and reuse them." I responded.

"But you do know your staying for 3 months, right?"

"Yeah, but what can I do about that?"

"I dont know. But we can." They all smiled back.

"What do you mean?"

"SHOPPING!" he said trying to sound like a girl. I laughed and that caught Harry's attention. Finally after 10 minutes on the phone and explaining things to Liam, they came back and Liam looked better than he did before.

"I heard shopping." Harry said.

"Didn't we all? We're taking..." Niall looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Rikki," I helped him.

"Right. We're taking Rikki shopping. She doesn't have enough clothes. Come along children."

I stayed where I was and watched them about to walk out the door. "Aren't you coming?" Louis asked.

"You don't need to. I'm fine, really. And plus, I don't have the money for it. So.." I pointed out sitting on the couch looking into the kitchen.

"We'll pay for it. It's on us. So ha! Please?" Louis said.

A bit my lip thinking. Should I? I'm going to start feeling bad that they use their money on me and I dont pay back. Ugh. Choices.

"I...I guess. Do I pay you back?"

"Oh, no. We got this. We'll pay for everything." Harry smiled. I smiled back and blushed a little. Why am I blushing? I don't have feelings for him do I? He is kind of cute though. I couldn't have feelings. I mean come on- let's be realistic. What babysitter would have feelings or possibly even date the person their watching after? Um.. No-one.

"Oh...O-Okay...Sure." I studdered.


Hello People Of World!! <3 Sorry This Chapter Was So Short... But It'll Get Better. I Promise!

Chapter 3 will be out soon. It's coming. Don't Worry.

Hey, guess what? I have a joke for you guys :D

Why did the girl fall out of the tree? hehehe

Find Out In Chapter 3-Shopping!

Love you all! Bai! xx

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