Chapter 37- New Couple

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(Rikki's POV)

What? How..when...Harry? Really?

"What." I said having wide-eyes.

"I..I love you." Harry mumbled looking at the floor.

"But how? When was this?"

"I don't know! It's just; your personality, your everything. I love it. And it's been for quite a while now." he said starting to blush.

"Oh. Um...Does Niall know?"

"No!" he shouted now making eye contact,"Niall does not know; and I don't want him to. You saw what he did to Louis last time. I really do not want to be in that position right now."

"Well, Harry, I-I just don't know what to say. I don't have a problem with it but...I really want to marry Niall."

(Harry's POV)

Why did I even bother telling her? Of course she was going to say that!

I faked a smile and walked out the closet acting like everything's okay. But in reality, it's not. I can't believe that I had the thought that she might feel the same way. Why would she?

During the party, everything went fine. People dancing, laughing, talking, drinking, eating, etc.

To get my mind off of what just happened, I took a couple of shots and eventually, I got drunk.

(Rikki's POV)

I walked out of the closet hoping nobody would be staring at me awkwardly, but no one was. Great!

Admiring the party, strong arms came around me hugging tightly.

"Havin' a good time?" Niall asked bringing me closer to him. I figured it was him because of the strong Irish accent.

"Yeah." I said.

"Good. 'Cuz now your gonna go sing." he said taking my wrist to the DJ.

"What?! Niall, no!"

"Oh come on babe! You're a good singer! Heck, you sing a lot like Ariana Grande."

"No. I'm not gonna do it. Especially alone. With all these people looking. At me, I might add." I said yanking my wrist away from his grip,"and anyway, wouldn't you have to sing for me?"

"But I sing in front of people all the time. Wait, hold on. Stay here." he said before disappearing into the crowd.

(Niall's POV)

I really wanted people to hear Rikki sing. She's absolutely amazing at it, and I believe she could be the next big thing.

If she doesn't want to sing alone, then I'll get someone to do a duet with her. I scanned the dancing crowd looking for that someone.

Miley, no. Cher, eh-maybe-no. Zendaya, no. Justin [Bieber], no. Selena, no.

My eyes then rolled to the kitchen area. I spotted Demi talking to Jennifer Lawrence. Quickly running over, I asked Demi if I could have a minute.

"What Niall?" she yelled over the blasting music.

"I need you to do me a favor. It would mean so much to me."

She sighed and gave in,"Fine. What."

"How would you like to do a duet with Rikki?"

"Is she good?"

"What! She's amazing! Believe me when I say it, she sounds a lot like Ariana."

A wide smile grew upon her face and she nodded quickly. This is going to go great.

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