Chapter 38- And Then There Were 3

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(Rikki's POV)

This party is the best thing anyone has done for me. I'm just surprised that people were still coming. I guess they think it's cool to come 'fashionably late' as one would say.

Niall and I were standing and talking with drinks in our hands having a blast. Everyone else were dancing, and having a good time.

My eyes trailed to the staircase for a quick second and then I spotted Eleanor speed walking down the stairs with tears in her eyes. "Whoa, what happened? What's wrong?" I asked grabbing her by the wrist.

"Louis broke up with me!" she answered between sobs. My eyes widened.

"What! Why?!"

"He said he thinks we weren't happy and that he likes Rowenelle more. I thought we were happy. I didn't even do anything wrong." she explained wiping her tears in the process.

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

"Upstairs. I'm leaving though." She said before exiting the house. I then felt Niall's presence behind me. I turned around to find Niall with a worried face. "What happened now?"

I sighed before responding,"Apparently, Louis broke up with El for Row. And now El's really upset. She already left before I could even say anything else."

Leaving the party for a few, I went upstairs to see Louis and Rowenelle holding hands talking and giggling in his room. I stepped in the door causing them to stop talking and smiling.

"So, uh, Louis; what happened with Eleanor?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I broke up with her. I just felt as if we weren't happy and I really like Row! I've liked her ever since I met her." He explained now looking to Rowenelle who was blushing a bright pink.

I heavily sighed,"Louis, Louis, Louis. "

"What. Is something wrong?"

"No. No, nothing is wrong. Uhm, I hope you two are happy, and I'll see you guys downstairs."

(Rowenelle's POV)

I couldn't tell if Rikki was happy or upset about this. Louis and I both watched as she walked out the room with no expression.

I turned to Louis and asked,"Do you think she's happy?"

Louis replied with,"Of course she is. Why wouldn't she be?"

"I don't know. Let's just go back to the party, shall we?"

"We shall."

I locked arms with Louis as we walked down the stairs to see the party was pretty wild. Some people were half naked running around freely. Most people were drunk and taking a lot of shots. And a few were passed out on the floor and couches.

My eyes went to Rikki and Niall who were dancing and grinding on each other to the music.

(Eleanor's POV)

What did I do? I haven't said anything have I? Can't be.

As I was walking around at the beach on the boardwalk to calm myself down, I kept thinking about Louis. And that girl.

What does she have that I don't?

Walking on the warm sand now, my attention was brought by me noticing a huge island cluttered with trees as far as I can see. I figured it looked like a soothing, relaxing place to calm down, so I started to swim towards it in my clothes. The strong current brought me to the damp sand, and then further into the dry sand. Walking deeper into the what it seemed like a forest, the walk became steeper than usual.

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