Chapter 35- It Comes, Then You Forget?!

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(Rikki's POV)

How did I know she was going to say that? If anything, I would hope for it to be by my surprise, and have her approval.

"What do you mean?" I asked her furrowing my eyebrows.

"Sweetie, don't you think that you're a know, young?" Mom replied still stirring whatever she had in the pot over the stove.

"I'm 19. I'll be 20 in a couple of weeks. You got married to dad around 20 didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. But that's because I really loved him, and we both felt that it was the right time."

"Okay, and that's great. But I really love Niall. He's my everything; he loves me and I love him." I argued back. Mom was really starting to agitate me.

"Rikki, I'm sorry but no. Just wait until your a little bit older. Ple-"

I then cut her off, "Where's Adrianna? Lets see what she has to say about this."

Mother sighed heavily and said that she was upstairs. I called her name and she came rushing down.

"What's up?" she said.

"Niall and I want to get married, and mom disapproves."

"Why mom?"

"I just think that she's a little young and I would say it's best if she can wait until she's a little bit older." mother explained while putting a lid over the pot.

"Well, I mean, she about to be 20 in a couple of weeks. You got married to dad around that age. Why can't she?"

"Thank you!" I shouted.

Mom then stood quiet and walked out the kitchen taking a magazine with her. Adrianna took a step closer to me and whispered,"Just wait until your 20. At least try to make her happy a little."

"Fine," I said,"you know dad would've let me. He would've been so happy."

"Yeah, I know. But dad isn't here right now, and mom just wants what's best." Adrianna replied.

I shrugged and looked towards the bathroom to see Niall walking back down the hall smiling at me. I sent a little smile back.

"Hey, aren't you Niall Horan from One Direction?" Adrianna asked him.

"Yes, that's me." Niall said smiling widely.

"Love the band. I am a big fan." Adrianna said before going back upstairs.

(Niall's POV)

I watched Rikki's sister go up the stairs but then returned my attention back to Rikki. I noticed that she wasn't as happy as before.

"What's wrong, Princess?" I asked her. I placed a small kiss on her forehead which caused her to smile a little bigger.

"I'll tell you when we get outside."


Just then, we left the house. I was dying to know what her mom thought of us getting married. We walked a far distance away from her house and I was starting to get a little impatient.

"Sooo, now that were outside; what'd she say?" I asked.

I heard Rikki sigh and then say,"She thinks that I'm too young, and that I have to wait until I'm 20."

"Well, that's okay. Your birthday is in a few weeks."

Honestly, I am a little bummed but on the bright side; when her birthday comes and she turns twenty, we'll be able to get married then.

"You're sure it's okay?"

"Yeah, I understand." I said before comforting her in a big Horan hug. We then broke the hug and continued our walk to the house.

(Rikki's POV)

Once Niall opened the door, we both were greeted with high-fives, hugs, and smiles.

"So, lovebirds, where'd you go?" Liam asked following us upstairs along with the rest of the boys.

"A little walk." Niall replied sitting on the edge of the bed with me between his legs.

"Oh. Should we leave you two alon-"

"Yeah, that'll be great. Please." Niall said sounding annoyed.

The boys mumbled stuff underneath their breath as they walked out the bedroom.

I feel a little bit bad to be honest. Niall really wanted to marry me and I really wanted to marry him and now we have to wait a few more weeks. I mean; it's not that long from my birthday.

"I love you, you know that?" I heard Niall say behind me. His voice startled me distracting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah," I said,"I love you too."

*_A Few Weeks Later_*

I woke up to beautiful sun shining in my face. A smile grew as I remembered what today was.


I turned around to see Niall still asleep. I quickly kissed his lips and got out of bed. I did my normal routine for the morning and then put on a special outfit.

White high wasted shorts and a red crop top that said 'CALI SMOED' on the back. It brought back memories from when I was a cheerleader. I wear it almost every special occasion.

Niall sooner woke up probably because of my rummaging around in the drawers. "Princess, what are you doing?" he said in his cute morning voice.

"Just getting dressed. I'll be downstairs." I told him before leaving the room.

(Niall's POV)

That's odd. Rikki has never been up this early and happy before. She is not a morning person at all.

After a few minutes of debating with myself about getting up or not, I've decided that I should get up.

The whole time I was in the shower, my mind was set on Rikki.

Why she was up so early? Especially happy.

Nothing came to mind so I shook it off and stepped out the shower. Later on, I soon joined the boys and Rikki down stairs for breakfast.

(Rikki's POV)

As I walked in the kitchen, I was surprised by Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry yelling Happy Birthday to me.

"Oh my gosh! You guys remembered!" I said gathering everyone in for a group hug,"You guys are the best."

"Thanks. Has Niall said anything to you yet?" Zayn asked parting himself from the hug.

"No not yet. But here he comes now." I said happily watching Niall come through the kitchen door. He passed me and opened the fridge getting a bottle of water.

"Niall." I called getting his attention. He turned around smiling,"Aren't you...forgetting something?"

He thought for a while and then came back to reality. "Good morning?"

"Do you know what today is?" I asked trying to hint out the special day.

"Friday?" he replied drinking his bottles water.

Is he kidding me right now? He's got to be joking.

My wonderful smile started to fall and I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"Um..Yeah. Thanks." I said before shoving passed him. I bummed into his shoulder and left the kitchen letting out all my tears as soon as I got out.

I can't believe he forgot my birthday.

Babysitting One Direction (as a mermaid!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora