Chapter 3-Shopping!

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Ello There Wonderful People! :D   Sooo, About that joke... 

Question : Why did the girl fall out of the tree? BTW, it's one of those really corny jokes. So be prepared about the wierdness of this.

Answer will be at the end of this chapter. Bye, Loves. 


(Harry's POV) 

-*Skipping Car Ride*- (A/N- They are in the mall walking around. Harry and Lou are behind them.)

I don't what it is about her, but I think I like her. She probably just see's me as a child to look after. This is hard for me. Usually when I see a girl, I go after her and she falls for me. But Rikki's different. She's so- I can't even find the right word for her. I shouldn't even be thinking about her this way.

"You okay, Hazz?" Lou asked me interupting my thoughts. "What are you talking about? I feel fine." I lied. I glanced over at Rikki who was talking and laughing with the rest of the boys. She caught me and waved me and Lou over. I smiled and hurried over leaving Louis talking to himself. 

(Louis' POV)

"No, I'm pretty sure something's wrong. If something's wrong you know you could talk to- HARRY!?" I shouted. Was he gone the whole time? Geesh, no wonder people were giving me weird looks. I looked around wondering where he could've gone. Finally, I noticed two blondes. Thank the lord I found them. I tapped one of them and Rikki turned around with her face red as an apple. "What's wrong with you? Were you crying or something?" I asked. I figured she was because her eyes were watering, her face was red, so I had a thought.

(Rikki's POV) 

*2 minutes earlier*

"Okay guys, what store to first?" Liam asked looking down at our feet.

"I think we should go to-AHH!" Niall started. He tripped and fell over some other teenager's foot. I looked back at him with a confused face. He smirked, looked me up and down, winked then walked away. What was that and was that on purpose? If it was, he probably got jealous or something. What's wrong with guys sometimes. Gosh. I looked back at Niall lying flat on the ground holding his hand up for help. Quickly walking over, I picked him up and tried to hold in my laugh. As soon as he looked away, we all bursted out laughing. I looked back to find Harry and Louis then waved them over to sit with us. Man, babysitting five boys is hard.

We sat down at a round table near the waterfountain where people came and threw pennies in. I smiled as the families gathered and took a picture, kids were happily throwing coins in the fountain giving their parents a high-five on the way back. I really missed that. And I really missed my dad. He was the best. I just wish that I can see him one more time. A tear filled my eye and was about to roll down my cheek when Zayn snapped his fingers in front of me. "Hello? Earth to Rikki? You there?" he questioned. I turned around and faked a smile and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Who's upset? I'm not." I said all in one breath and got up leaving walking into a random store. 

(Liam's POV) 

"What was that?" I asked. The boys shrugged and we followed her into a bathing suit store. We searched everywhere in that store and asked everybody that was in here. Luckily, I came upon a girl who worked here and asked, "Have you seen a blonde randomly walk in here by any chance?" She nodded and smiled happily pointing us to the changing area. "I saw her in there, the third stall from the left." I patted her on the back, "Thank you." 

The boys followed me to the stall and I really felt uncomfortable with all the wierd looks women were giving us. But who cares, I'm here because I want to find my friend. What's wrong with that? "Which one?" Lou asked. "Third one from the left." I answered.  He slowly walked his way to her door knocking slightly. She opened the door a crack only to reveal her beautiful-um..uh..-blue eye. Did I really just say beautiful? Her eyes are nice and everything but why would I say that. I have a girlfriend. Snap out of it Li. You have a girlfriend. Just know that, I thought. But as I was saying, her blue eye only showed through the little opening of the door. "How'd you find me?" she asked. "Well, we saw you run in here and then Li asked a girl what stall you were in." Louis happily explained.

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