Chapter 26- The Plan- Part 2-

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(Rikki's POV)

Do we go to sleep? Or do we stay awake? Liam's going to do something to figure out Rowenelle and I's secret. But what if he does? What'll he do then? Is he going to tell his fans? What if he spills it to the paparazzi?

Questions and thoughts ran through my head as I walked back and forth nibbling on my nails. Rowenelle was sat on the bed with her legs crossed shaking rapidly.

"Rikki. I don't know what to do. Do we sleep?" Rowenelle asked slowing down her pace of shaking her legs. I stopped walking and looked at her.

"I don't know either. But what I do know, is that we get to go to sleep when Liam's sleeping tonight." I replied. Rowenelle broke eye contact with me and started to stare at the door.

"Hey! Can't we just tell Zayn, Harry, and Niall to stall Liam or something? You know, like make sure he doesn't come in here while we are asleep." She said smiling.

"That's a pretty good idea! I'll go tell them now." I said making my way to the door. I slowly opened it and scanned the hallway with my one eye that could see out the door. No Liam in sight. Many laughs echoed around the house indicating that all the boys were downstairs.

I stopped in my tracks and looked down over the wooden, white painted banister. "Hey Ni?" I called. All the voices was lowered and Niall's voice was only heard. "Yeah, princess?"

"Um..Can you come upstairs for a minute?"

Moments of seconds later, Niall came upstairs and walked me into his room.

"What's the matter? Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, but do you think that you, Harry, and Zayn could stall Liam tonight? Because don't you think that Liam and possibly Louis wants to know know what and they might do something about it to find out?"

"Yeah and I'll go tell the boys." he said before leaving the room.

(Liam's POV)

Niall reappeared in the living room. He whispered something to Harry and Zayn, and all they did was nod. 

I ingored it them and focused more on my plan. Tonight, around 11:00 p.m., I'll sneak into Rikki's room that is shared with Rowenelle, and lightly dab water onto their skin. And then I'll find out.

I can't wait. All I have to do now, is wait. Wait until everybody is in deep sleep that a loud clash of pots and pans couldn't even wake them.

11:00 p.m.

"Well, I'm exhausted. Night mates!" Louis said before walking out my room and into his own.

"What about you guys? When are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"I think we might just crash in here just for tonight." Zayn said folding back his arms to the back of his head. I sighed and approved. 

"Fine. I'm just going to Rikki's room to say..goodnight." I said grabbing a water bottle on the way out. 

(Harry's POV)

I jumped up from Liam's purple bean bag chair and stood in front of his bedroom door. "Can't you just text or call her to say goodnight?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and what's with the taking a water bottle thing, huh?" Zayn asked getting up. 

"I might get thirsty on the way?" he said but it came out sounding like a question. "Liam. Have a seat." Niall said laying back on the floor. I could tell he was about to doze off into sleep. 

"But I have to figure out why- I'm mean...I have to say goodnight." Liam said moving over. I slid over to face him again and once more, block his path. I glanced over to Niall who was already passed out on the floor. Luckily, I still have Zayn. 

(Zayn's POV)

I know this won't end any time soon. Liam never gives up on anything. If he wants to know something, he'll do anything to figure it out. He won't sleep until he finds out. And this, is a perfect example.

11:30 p.m.

It has been 30 minutes of Harry and I trying to stop Liam and he still hasn't gave up. But to my surprise he did. 

"Alright! Alright! I won't go! Happy?" Liam said throwing himself onto the bed. 

"Well, it really makes no difference. Everyone is sleep now anyway." Harry said going back to the bean bag chair getting comfortable and then fell asleep. I crashed on Liam's bed before shutting my eyes for a good night sleep.

(Liam's POV)

They really think I'm giving up on this.

Around 11:50 p.m., I made sure Niall, Harry, and Zayn were still sleep. Thankfully, they were. Sneaking past Zayn was a challenge considering the fact that he is right next to me. Niall was pretty easy since he's been sleep ever since Louis left. But Harry, being the smart one he is, was laying right in front of the door sleeping, snoring lightly. 

Grabbing the doorknob slowly and carefully, I took my half empty water bottle and gently opened the door cautious not to awake Harry. Once I passed him,  I noticed that Rikki's door was open which would only make life easier. 

Walking into the girls' room, I knelt down to Rikki and Rowenelle's level and opened the bottle. I spilled water on both of their legs and waited. 

And about 10 seconds later, something did happen. And what I saw was something I wouldn't expect to see.


Hi peeps! 

Liked the chapter?

Alright, so I know I said that I was busy, but I had a little free time. So I killed some of that time and updated. 

But this doesn't mean that I will be updating frequently. At some points, I will have some free time, but as of right now, this is the only time I have for updating. Sadly. But hey! At least I did update it.

Moving on,

I saw that a lot of you guys have gotten the riddle correct. And that goes to:








Aye girlie!

You are very welcome for this shout out. You guys know I love giving shout outs. 

It's fun!

Erm.. Last Riddle,  you guys got it right last time.

A: There were no stairs. It was a one-story house.

Soo...Try this one.

Q: A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first? The monkey? The squirrel? Or the bird?

This one you might get. I think it's a little too easy. But try it anyway. 

Comment what you think the answer is! 

P.s. Let me know if you want a shout out. Like I said, I'll do it. Promises.

Anyway, I will try to see you guys next chappie!

Bye!! :D


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