Chapter 26- The Plan -Part 1-

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(Liam's POV)

I've had it. Everything is so weird now.

Rikki and Rowenelle are part of this. Not to mention that Niall and Harry know about it.

I know for a fact that Rikki won't crack. Rowenelle is next.

(Rowenelle's POV)

From that little incident, Liam suggested that I sleep over.

Good yet bad idea.

It's good because I get to stay with my friends and Eleanor left. Bad because I know Liam wants to know what's wrong with Rikki and I. He's been onto us ever since he asked that truth question a couple of weeks ago.

Rikki insisted that I sleep with her tonight.

Niall was pretty upset, but he understands. Rikki is the only other girl that 'lives' here, and it would be awkward for me to sleep with one of the boys. Mostly because they have girlfriends, and the last thing I need is for their girlfriends to hate me too.

Rikki and I woke up about the same time this morning.

"Morning sea girl." I said sitting up.

"Morning," Rikki said, "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." I answered. "You?"

"Like a baby in a crib."

~2 Hours Later~

"And then Demi Lovato said to me, It's One Direction!" Louis said trying to be like one of those rich people who have a crowd around him laughing at every little joke.

"Haha. Louis I'm dying of laughter. Please stop. My stomach hurts." I said giving him a blank expression. Obviously I wasn't laughing.

"Well, you weren't there when I began the joke. So you wouldn't know." Louis said crossing his arms.

"Well what was it? I want to the joke." I asked.

"NO!" All the boys said except for Louis.

"Is it really that bad?" Louis asked.

"Louis it wasn't even a joke. It was a story about a time where you asked Demi Lovato who were we." Harry said plopping himself on the couch.

"And she likes us." Louis said pouting a little.

"I guess. Hey Rikki?" Liam said bringing all the attention to me.

"Yeah Li?" I said.

"Do you mind grabbing a bottle of water for me?"

"Yeah, sure."

I started walking towards the kitchen door, when Liam spoke again.

"And make sure it's one from the freezer!"

Of course. Liam wants me to get a wet water bottle from the freezer.

"Okay!" I said trying to sound like it's not a problem.

I arrived at the kitchen and I opened the freezer. There stood a bottle of water dripping and sweating water on the outside. But being the smarticle particle I am, I wrapped 3 paper towels around it.

(Liam's POV)

I'd like to see her try to get this.

When she came out the kitchen, she had paper towels wrapped around the bottle.

Are you kidding me?

She always has a way to not let me find out. This is huge. Very huge. It's been going on for too long and it's starting to irk me. A whole lot.

Babysitting One Direction (as a mermaid!)Where stories live. Discover now