Chapter 5- Show And Tell -Part 1-

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(Rikki's POV)

I woke up the next morning but my eyes were still closed. I just wanted to lay down, the pillow is so cold and the blankets are so comfortable. Two mintues passed, and I already was about to go back to sleep until the smoke alarm went off. I jumped up and woke up all the boys. I pounded on the door pretty hard because one pound was enough. It was so funny seeing they freak out, not to mention I was too. 

I ran downstairs to see Louis rocking back and forth in a corner trying to calm himself down with a handfull of carrots. "What the heck?!" I said angrily. I took my hand and fanned away the smoke. Eventually, it turned off. "Open the door. Please." I said and Liam obeyed and swung it open. 

I turned around to see Louis standing up holding his last carrot by the green part. (A/N- I forgot what that's called.)

"WHAT were you THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ALL OF US!" I shouted. From the corner of my eye, I could see Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn slowly back away and shut the door behind them. When all the smoke was gone, I quickly slammed the door shut before any flies got in, but mostly it was from anger. 

"I-I..was just making breakfast. I was trying to do something nice for everybody." He his hardest not to cry and make out his words. A tear came out of his eye and rolled and rolled down his cheek. 

"Thank you, that's very nice of you, but you could have at least attempted to put out the fire." I tried so hard not to yell, but just thinking about it made me so mad. How could he do this? Why? Couldn't he wait 'til all of wake up before setting the house on fire - almost? Trust me, I am not a morning person. I get so cranky and angry at everything. And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. This one time, my mom woke me up because I had to say Happy Birthday to my cousin who came over. And this chair was in my way, I totally flipped out. I pushed the chair over and the seat broke off then I took my anger out on it. I punched it, threw it, kicked it, I basically abused the poor chump. Now don't get me wrong, I would never do it to a child. Not that I'm having a child any time soon. 

"I'm so sorry. I..I didn't mean to. Trust me, I feel really bad. I know I should've never done it." He apologized. I groaned and stormed out the door and pushed another chair out my way and slammed the kitchen door behind me. Most of this anger was because this woke me up when I was so comfortable. (A/N- Don't you hate that? When your mom calls you, you answer, then she doesn't reply back. So now you have to get up from your comfy position. It irks me.)

(Harry's POV)

*Before the incident*

I was happily asleep dreaming about the day I went on X-Factor. I never felt so happy in my life. Just then, a pound came knocking on my door. "WAKE UP! NOW! HURRY UP!" I can tell Rikki shouted. I ran downstairs with the other boys following behind. We walked inside the kitchen to find Lou sitting in a corner eating a carrot rocking back and forth, I guess trying to calm himself down. 

Rikki came and fanned away the smoke. "Open the door. Please." She said. Liam obeyed and opened it to allow the smoke get out. Everybody started to cough like crazy. Aw, geez Lou. 

When all of the smoke was gone, she slammed it shut. That girl has quite the arm there. Right then and there, I knew she was going to yell. Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I slowly made our way out the door and quietly shut it. 

"WHAT were you THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ALL OF US!" I heard her scream. "I-I..was just making breakfast. I was trying to do something nice for everybody." Lou tried to explain.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you, but you could have at least attempted to put out the fire." Rikki said.

"I'm so sorry. I..I didn't mean to. Trust me, I feel really bad. I know I should've never done it." He apologized. She groaned and stormed out the door and pushed another chair out her way and slammed the kitchen door behind herself. I peeked my eye through the door a little. Was her hair light red? I thought she was blonde. Am I color blind? 

Babysitting One Direction (as a mermaid!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora