Goodbye Kaa-san, Tou-san

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Today was August 20th, Sakura's last day working at Mebuki's and Kizashi's store. Over the summer they became the parents she never had, and Sakura told them everything. From her parents forgetting her, to her sickness and the bullying. Kizashi was seething when he heard about the bullying, no one bullies his 'little girl'. Mebuki consoled the girl about her home and school problems, especially about what to do with Karin and her old friends.

"Sakura- chan were gonna miss you so much!" Mebuki said, embracing the pinkette.

"I'll miss you too, Mebuki-san." Sakura replied.

"No no! Call me Kaa-San!" Mebuki said.

"And call me Tou-San." Kizashi added.

Sakura stared at them in slight shock, but felt a smile creeping up on her face.

"Okay! Thank you so much, for everything!" Sakura said, she felt tears stinging her eyes.

The couple looked at each other and smiled before once again enveloping the girl in a hug, they were going to miss her.


At the end of the day Sakura received her pay check as well as a long hug. Her 'parents', as she called them, didn't want to let her go. She promised to come visit on breaks and during the summers.

"Goodbye Kaa-San, Tou-san." Sakura said, walking out of the door.

"Goodbye Sakura-chan!" She heard Mebuki call after her.

Sakura began her walk home, she had already finished packing all her things, which took up a grand total of five suitcases, a duffle bag and her purse. Suddenly Sakura stopped, and thought back over everything she had. After checking over her mental list, Sakura couldn't figure out why she felt like she was forgetting something.


At home. Sakura ran up to her room after seeing if her family was home, which they were not. Inside she rechecked everything again, before finding a jar on the corner of her dresser. It was filled to the brim with money, after shaking out the money and counting it she found it all came to $515! Sakura thought back to why she would save up all this money, before she saw her earphones hanging out of her purse.

'Brat how'd you forget you needed a phone of all things?" Sasori asked.

'I don't know! It just slipped my mind I guess.' Sakura replied.

'Well if you want one, you should go to the mall now. It's getting late and the mall closes at 9pm.'

'All right, let's go now.'

Sakura took all the money and neatly put it in her wallet, which she then put in her purse. Taking her bag, she grabbed a couple dollars for bus money before walking out of her room and through the door. While she walked to the bus shop she thought about which phone she would buy, Apple or Android? Everyone's had the debate before, and usually Apple won, not that there was anything wrong with Android.

Deciding she wanted to fit in at KA, she decided she would get an iPhone. The bus pulled up and Sakura boarded, paying the driver for her ticket. The back was empty so she sat there, she looked around and to her luck she saw no one from school. Seeing people from school, outside of school, is so awkward. In Sakura's case it's also scary, whoever it is could boomerang back to tormenting her like Karin and her followers did. After about fifteen minutes the bus pulled up to the mall, a place she's been spending a lot of time at.

Getting out and thanking the driver as usual, Sakura headed to one of the many service providers that were set up around the mall. Looking around, Sakura spotted what she was looking for. A black iPhone 6, Sakura walked up to it and waited for the woman running the booth to come help her.

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