November 8th

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Dedicated to kittywazowski :) thank you for supporting me and my stories so much, I appreciate it a lot



'It's your birthday!"

'I know that kid, what about it?'

'You're officially 20! It's special!'

'No it's not, now leave me alone.'


'Ugh! Fine! What do you want?'

'Let's celebrate! What's your favourite place in Konoha?'

Sasori let out a loud sigh, today was going to be a long day.


Sakura sat on an old log surrounded by tall trees, who knew Sasori's favourite place would be a nature reserve. She was sure it would be an art museum or Deidara-sensei's classroom, but she guessed that there was still a lot she needed to learn about the red head.

'Brat, its cold. You didn't have to come all the way here, I'm not even physically there to enjoy it!' Sasori said.

'It's not that cold! Besides, it's the least I could do for you.' Sakura replied.

'You sure are stubborn...'

'It's one of my many talents.'

Sasori let out a chuckle as some snow slowly began to fall from the cloudy, grey sky. It began piling up on the trees and the ground, giving the forest a beauty you could only see in winter. They sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. Sadly, the peaceful moment only lasted a minute before the snow began to fall faster. It was quickly getting harder to see and Sakura was now unable to see the path that led to the park entrance. Her breathing became quicker and she frantically looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of something familiar, but the snow that had quickly piled up changed the appearance of everything around her.

'Hey, Sak! Calm dow--' Sasori was cut off as Sakura began running, she was obviously panicking and the cold was finally getting to her.

After a few minutes she had to stop, her lungs hurt, bad. Slowly, blood trickled out from the corner of her lips as she began coughing, falling to her knees.

'Sakura! Listen to me, take deep breaths, okay?' Sasori said, his voice sounded soothing compared to the howling wind around her.

After she stopped coughing and calmed down a bit, Sasori spoke again. 'Alright brat, try to remember something you can use to get back. If  I remember correctly, the park entrance we used was the north entrance. Do you know anyway we can find north?'

Sakura thought for a moment, thinking back to geography and science class. Her head jerked up quickly as she remembered the sun sets on the western horizon, which means the entrance should be just right of that. They had left the house at around 2pm and had been out for almost three hours. The sun should be setting now. She looked up at the sky in search of an orange or yellow hue illuminating the grey clouds, trying to find any clue of the sun set. Sadly, nothing was there, the tall trees blocked her vision. She sighed as she looked around once more, and something caught her attention. On one of the larger trees, a small bit of dried up moss stuck to the trunk. She recalled her science teacher saying that moss only grows on the north side of a tree, at least where they live. In the Southern Hemisphere however, moss would grow on the south side of a tree. Deciding to trust her teacher, the pinkette set off in the direction the moss was growing, in hopes of finding the way out.

'How do you always end up in situations like these?' Sasori asked, attempting to mask his concern for his friend's condition.

'I don't know, I probably broke a mirror or something when I was little. Sakura said, just as a silhouette of a gate made it's way into her vision.

'Sasori! We found it!' She said excitedly, but a wave of dizziness washed over her.

'Hey! Are you okay? Sakura?!'

Sasori's voice became inaudible to the pinkette as she soon found it hard to breath properly, running too much wasn't good for her but running in the cold was worse. Just as she fell, a set of strong arms caught her. His dark hair whipped around in the wind as it escaped his dark blue hat, and his onyx eyes stared worriedly at the pinkette.


Sakura awoke in a white room that smelled strongly of antiseptic, somewhere she was far too familiar with. She still wore her clothes that she went out with, but her jacket and shoes were placed in a corner of the room.

Sasori?' She questioned, yet received no answer.

'Sasori? Hey, what's going on?' She questioned again, yet silence greeted her. She knew he wasn't gone, she could still feel the presence of someone else in her mind. It was warm and calming, something she associated with the red head.

She pondered on why he wasn't answering her, it wasn't like him. Even when Sasori was mad at her, he would always reply, always. A chill ran through her as she thought of losing the red head she now thought of as family, she would be devastated. Worry clouded her eyes as she began playing with the ends of her hair, something she did when she was nervous or scared. Just as panic began to over take the girl, a voice rang out in her head, it sounded frantic.

'Sak! Listen, there's something in here and I don't know what it is! It's dark and I don't like it, get it out!' Sasori's usually calm voice, now frightened, spoke, making the girl jump.

'What do you mean? I don't feel another presence in my mind...'

'It's getting closer, and I think I see something pink.... or is it purple?'

Sakura had never been more confused in her life. 'What is it doing now?'

'It's getti--' Sasori was suddenly cut off, and an eerie silence consumed the room. Her mind suddenly felt empty, there was no trace of Sasori left. Sakura was about to try to speak with him once again, but the door opened, revealing the boy who brought her here.
My oh my, I wonder where Sasori went. I know... but you don't ;)

Who do you think brought her to the hospital?

What was that dark thing Sasori was talking about?

Will he come back?

Lemme know! Haha I was looking at my old author notes and let me just say.... C.R.I.N.G.E. Oh yeah, I taught you stuff today. Now you know how to find north, congratulations.

K.. bye.

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