The Price of Power

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"You couldn't have given her the power to take Sasori's place without a price, right?" The god questioned his new companion.

"The price is that it has a weakness." The demon replied, giving him a sharp toothed grin.

"I see, and what is this weakness?"


Krul was bored, there was nothing to do in Sakura's dreary mind landscape. Sakura was asleep so she couldn't bother her, since Krul hadn't learned how to manipulate the girl's dreams and bring her here like Sasori. At the thought the red haired boy, an idea came to her. She walked over to the furthest end of the meadow and found a cage. Inside said cage was Sasori, muttering things about a 'stupid pink-haired demon'.

"What was that, Sasori?" Krul asked sweetly.

Sasori's head snapped up in surprise. "Nothing, just let me out already!" He growled.

"In your dreams, anyways I'm bored."

"How does that concern me?" He questioned.

"Entertain me! Do some sort of circus act or tell me a story." She said, sitting down on the grassy field.

"No." Sasori refused.

Krul sighed. "Oh well, I guess I have to wake Sakura up somehow. Hopefully my taunting won't get to her too much at this time of the night." She grinned.

Sasori scowled, taking a deep breath. "Fine, I'll tell you a story." He muttered.

Krul squealed and sat in front of the boy, the bars of the cage separating them.

"Once upon a time, there was a pink haired girl-" Sasori started.

"How old was she?" Krul asked.

"She was... ten, anyways. The girl didn't have any friends."

"Why not?" Krul interrupted again.

"I was getting to that, if you interrupt me again I won't tell you the story." Sasori threatened, earning a nod from the demon. "Okay, she didn't have friends. It wasn't cause of her hair being an odd colour, it was her eyes. They were blood red and seemed to glare at anyone in the girl's path, even if she was smiling."

"What was her name?" Krul took a chance and interrupted Sasori again.

"Krul." He reprimanded.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry" she muttered.

"Her name was..... Kr-" he looked at the  girl in front of him. "Her name was Kristina... yeah Kristina."

Krul nodded, leaning forward to listen to his story.

"Kristina wanted friends, even though she had a great family. She was lonely when she wasn't at home, and with so many people despising her, she slowly began to lose her smile." Krul looked down, feeling sorry for the fictional girl.

"One day, Kru- ahem- Kristina was running from some kids who were throwing rocks at her, without looking she crossed the street." Krul shut her eyes, knowing what would happen.

"A car hit her and she died." Sasori said, blunt as ever.

"W-wait! This isn't a happy story, I don't like it!" She pouted, for some odd reason, Sasori found her cute.

"Well, I guess you won't be able to hear the rest of it." The red head shrugged.

Krul groaned, contemplating on getting up and walking away or staying. She sighed and turned to the boy. "Okay, carry on."

Sasori would've smiled at her if she wasn't trying to kill Sakura. "Okay, Kristina opened her eyes and she was in a blank landscape."

Krul immediately knew what he was talking about and flinched, she still hated that place.

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