Chapter Two ✔

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"Hello?" Brendon said his voice monotone like. He sat on the couch, his knees pulled to his chest. Ryan sat next to him, his head on Brendon's chest. Brendon's phone rang and he picked it up. It was an unknown number, but he chooses to answer it anyway.

A woman spoke in a gentle voice. "Hello, yes, this is the Michigan state police. We are calling regarding Brooke Urie. May we speak to Brendon Urie or George Urie?" Brendon sat up all of sudden, startling Ryan. He couldn't hear the conversation, but he knew something was happening. Both of them looked at each other with confusion. 

"T-this is Brendon Urie. What's wrong with Brooke? Is she okay?" Brendon said quickly, his mind blurring with worry. His mind went cloudy, as his thoughts went to all the bad things that could have happened. Ryan made a gesture, indicating him to put it on speakerphone so he could hear it. Brendon obliged, and the phone was loud enough for them both to hear.

"She is perfectly fine, Mr. Urie. But we need to talk about the custody over her. Ms. Orzechowski is in police custody. She was found wandering the streets, high on an illegal substance. She was taken into police custody, and in her high state, Ms. Orzechowki admitted to regularly harming her daughter. And the court has deemed that she is not fit to raise her. There are two options. You could reclaim custody over Brooke, or she can go to an orphanage-" The woman said before Brendon cut him off. 

He shook his head, his breath caught in his throat. "No, no! I- I mean I would love to reclaim custody over Brooke. Will we have to go to court?" Brendon stuttered. Ryan's eyes widened as he heard what Brendon said. Both of them were jittery. Brendon reached over and grabbed Ryan's hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Even though this was good news for them, Brendon felt beyond rage about Sarah.

"No, that won't be necessary. Just because of the severity of the drugs in her system, and the fact that any other family member of Ms. Orzechowki' won't pick up, a flight is being arranged for Brooke to return to Las Vegas. I'm sure she will be pleased with your choice. Thank you, Mr. Urie. Have a nice day." The phone beeped, indicating that the phone has hung up. The phone slipped out of his hand, as a smile passed Brendon's face. A thud was heard as the phone hit the couch.

"Sh- She's coming home!" Brendon cried, with tears of joy in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Ryan and they both cried gently. Ryan sighed in relief, tears also filling his eyes. Brooke was coming home was coming back to where she belonged.


On what seemed like the other side of the world, Brooke was in the uncomfortable chair at the police station. "Can you at least tell me what's going on?" Brooke asked, with a questionable look on her face. She sat the police room, with a cup of water in front of her. The room was bland and dull. Her hands laid folded on her lap as her knee bouncing up and down. She was told nothing when she got there, Brooke was lead into a room by the police officer. While she sat there for a good three hours waiting, various people walked in and out of the room, all of them dressed in police uniforms. The room had a window that was covered in steel bars. It seems as if she was in an interrogation room, but they reassured her that she wasn't in trouble. 

The police officer sighed in front of her. His name tag read, 'Officer James'. He was an older man, with short white hair. James seemed to give Brooke a sympathetic look every five minutes. "Well, the most I can say is that your mother has been arrested for child abuse, and other charges." He replied. James seemed nice, but Brooke didn't know if she could trust him.

"What's going to happen? Where will I go?" Brooke asked worryingly. 

"We called your father and talked to him. He and his husband more than happy to take you into their custody." The man said happily. Husband? Brendon married someone? Holy shit, it must be Ryan. Brooke thought. "Your flight will be tonight."

"O-okay. Thank you." Brooke stuttered. She was in shock. The teenager was excited to see her father again, but she could help but feel angry.

Why does he want to get custody of me, if he gave me away in the beginning? Why does he care?

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