Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"You're Brooke Urie, aren't you?" A woman sat down at the booth that Brooke was sitting at. Brooke was in the coffee shop that wasn't far from where they lived with a cookie and coffee in front of her. Brooke looked up from her phone and stared at the woman who sat across from her. She looked like someone that Brooke used to know, but she couldn't place it. "You probably don't remember me. My names Mary Price."

"Mary? From the orphanage?" Brooke was in shock. She never thought that she'd ever see the girl again. Mary was at least fourteen when Brooke was four, she must've be in her mind twenties. Mary did look different than from the last time Brooke saw her. She dropped the fake blonde highlights and now had her brown hair back. No longer was her face covered in makeup, but her face held a natural and calm look to it. "Listen, I'm over that stage in my life. You can't hurt me anymore," She stared at her.

"No! It's not that. Just I wanted to say I'm sorry. I really truly am. I was disgusting, I wouldn't forgive myself and I don't. But hear me out." She started sadly. Brooke was suprised in her words, she never thought that Mary would apologize to her. Mary waited on an answer from Brooke on whether she was willing to listen.

"I'm listening." Brooke let her talk. Mary didn't look as harmful as she did before. Besides, Brooke didn't believe that the older woman would cause any harm to her anymore. Brooke was ready to listen to the woman.

"I was going on what Ms. Ross always told me to do. You were younger than me and I thought that I could pick on you because you were tinier than me. Once you found your father and you got a better life, I realised that I was jealous. When you left, I realized that I needed to change greatly. It dawned on me after a while that I was alone and I was the orphan. You had a loving family around you and I didn't. Let's just say that Ms. Ross lost her mind when she realized that she didn't have you as her punching bag anymore. She turned me and everything changed for me. She treated me awfully, and I started to get depressed. I then knew how you felt when you lived there. A older couple adopted me when I was about seventeen, and they changed my life. They put me into a 'fixing program' which got my life on track. I looked back on what I've done and I hate myself deeply for it. You probably don't ever want to talk to me or even remember me, but I'm sorry." Mary's voice was filled with guilt.

Brooke gasped. She never though Mary - the same girl who used to push her down, even sometimes down the stairs, who would slap her and make her life horrible - would apologise sincerely to her. Brooke didn't know how to react; Mary had clearly fixed her life from who she used to be and is trying to make amends with the people she's hurt. Forgive and forget she tried to live by that saying. Of course, she was still deeply hurt by Mary's actions; but that was when Mary was really young.

Brooke was over that stage in her life, those people that used to make her life horrible couldn't hurt her anymore. She was in the safe and loving arms of her two fathers and her friends were aways there for her, including her girlfriend, Bandit. Any words or actions from people she hates couldn't scar her like they used to. Of course, she hated Mary when she younger, but she matured. Brooke stayed strong as she thought about the pros and cons of forgiveness. Why keep a grudge on someone who's trying to better themselves and fix their life? She wondered.

"Okay," Brooke said after a moment of silence. Mary looked at her hopefully. "I- forgive you, Mary. I really never thought that I've ever say those words, and I truly mean it. It's clear that you've fixed your life style and your attitude towards life. I'm proud of you for getting yourself better, as an adult. But you have to understand. Forgiveness is different than being your friend. I forgive you but there's really no way we could ever be friends. I hope you get that." Brooke explained. She could never be friends with Mary, she just couldn't. But she would forgive Mary.

"I get it, Brooke, I really do. I could never ask you to be my friend, after what I did to you. Thank you so much forgiving me, it's really truly means eveything to me. You're one of the many people I've wronged in so many ways, and I'm trying to be at peace with all of them. Thank you so much." Mary thanked her with a tear in her eye. She brush the tear away with the back of her hand, smiling greatly.

Brooke wanted to know more. Clearly everything changed when she left the home, but she didn't know what else. "What else happened after I left?" She was dying to know the answer. She wanted to know to put her feelings of hate behind her, she knew she didn't need to feel that way anymore.

"Ms. Ross changed horribly. She would come in most mornings hungover- or even sometimes drink. She would be looking for someone to hurt and abuse. Usually, even though this is fucked up, you were the one to take her wrath, whether it was your choice or not. That changed when your knight in shinning armor, your dad, saved you from the hellhole. God, I feel so embarrassed from when your dad walked into the building, I thought he was going to adopt me. I was such an idiot and I shouldn't have acted that way. Could- could you tell your dad that I'm sorry about how I acted?" Mary fretted, her face growing red.

"Of course I will. I'm sure he didn't mind." Brooke laughed. Brendon clearly remembered her - as he once said that he doesn't like her, but Brooke was going spare her feelings. She understood how it changed once Brooke wasn't the one that was under Ms. Ross' fists. Brooke nodded, waiting for Mary to continue.

"We'll it started off with the younger children. She would hurt them. But then, one of them ratted on her to the school teachers. She was able to get out of getting caught by lying. Then the older children, including me, started to get hurt. She said, that we were got used to it because of how old we where. I heard some rumors that her brother got her in jail. For the next six years too. I'm glad." Mary laughed. Brooke was in shock. Her own brother got her arrested? Sweet! I want to high five her brother.

"Holy shit! Who's her brother?" Brooke smiled, her elbows pressing on the table, leaning over. Ms. Ross never mentioned a brother - she didn't even know an evil person like her have a family, or even a heart.

"Some dude named George. George Ross. Her full name is Barbra Ross." Mary explained. Brooke remembered something then, Isn't Ryan's birth name George? She brushed it off, thinking that it could be a million other people.

"Her name is as ugly as her face." Brooke rolled her eyes.

They continued to talk about what happened. Brooke was glad that Ms. Ross would never be seen by Brooke ever again. She was glad she didn't have to be afriad anymore. Brooke had to focus on something else though; tomorrow was Sarah's court trail.


Next to last chapter!

Chapter Forty will be extremely long and probably won't come out until the next week or so.

Eat food, drink water, stay warm, and know that people love you. I love you guys! Stay safe and cared for, for me.

My air conditioner was broken all day yesterday, I swear I died. It was like 94 degrees yesterday in Oklahoma. Why is it so fucking hot, ugh. Anyway my dad fixed it and everything is fine now. That was why I didn't update yesterday.

Again, I love you all so much. Don't cry, craft ❤.


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