Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I really can't explain why I haven't updating in nearly a month. 🔥

I'm finally out of school and I'm going to the ninth grade next year. I already miss all of my friends from school and I've been bored inside my house all day. I thought that it would be great to start updating on this story.

Of course, they're going to be slower updates than what I used to. I've gotten a job as a babysitter that pays twelve dollars an hour so I'm going to busy. I'll work on chapters as much as I can.

I'm planning on doing a spin off of this story (and the first one) of Brooke's time while she was with Sarah. It starts off with the end of the trail and Brooke being taken away from her father, and it shows how she grew up. Weird idea but I'm trying it out. What do you think about it? Answer in the comments below 👇

Sorry again for being an asshole and not updating but this is the next chapter in the book. I'll write as much as I can today (Saturday, June 10th) but I most likely not publish it until tomorrow or the next day at the most.

Update: I made sixty-six dollars tonight from babysiting! I started at six and I finally got home around eleven thirty. I'm tired but I was also hungry. What idiot goes to Taco Bell at midnight, right before closing? I can answer that question - me, I am the idiot. I got some tacos and chips. My dad was nearly going to bed, but I made him drive me and my sister to get food. You have to be sixteen to drive where I live, so I force my dad to drive me places. Just a fun story I guess.

I don't know what to consider right now: I'm watching The Amazing World of Gumball, curled up in a ball and wrapped in blanket. My mom isn't home and my dad's in bed, so fuck yeah, I'm staying up all night - or morning I guess. It's 1:36 AM so I'll try to update by morning.

Update again: 2:18 AM, I made this a short chapter whoops. I'm wayyyyy to tired to even move about now. I'm going to bed, night. Peace ✌

🌸 Here's your chapter! 🌸


            Never in a million years did Brooke ever believe that she would call Brendon, 'dad' ever again. She tried to make her believe that it just was an accident or maybe that it just slipped. All she could think about was how much of an idiot she thought herself to be. Brooke's stomach turned when she remember what happened when she accidentally called Sarah, 'mom' when she was six. She'd never call Sarah by that name ever again, nor did she call anyone by those names ever again.

She was curled in a ball on her bed. Her eyes filled with angry tears as she grabbed at her hair with her fingers. Her face rested on the pillow, half of her face dug into it. The comfortable comforter was wrapped around her shoulders. She knew she had to get up sometime but she wasn't sure when. She had been laying there for a couple of hours, attempting to get the courage to walk out and face them.

Brooke hated how she felt. Usually, she felt sad and lonely, but since her return to Brendon, her life has been changing. She didn't want to stay with Sarah but she didn't know how quickly her life changed. At first, the young girl promised herself that she'd never trust her father again, but that promise quickly died.

"Brooke, I made lunch!" Ryan knocked on the door slightly. Brooke sat up, wiping her eyes with her hands. She breathed, attempting to calm her nerves. She knew that there was no way around her leaving the room - Ryan and or Brendon would take her down stairs to eat. Brooke stood and started towards her bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." Brooke answered. Ryan made a huffing sound, making it known that he heard her. She walked into the bathroom, leaving the white door opened. Brooke first used the bathroom and washed her hands before looking in the mirror. Her eyes looked slightly like she was crying. She reached under the counter, grabbing the baby powder. Flicking some under her eye, she rubbed in slightly (I used to do that when I used to cry -l). Brooke wrapped her hair up into a high pony tail. She turned off the light, and closed her bedroom door once she was out of it.

"-and you're still weird." As she walked down the stairs, she heard Ryan insult Brendon.

"Shut up Ryan," Brendon laughed at him. She walked down the final stair, walking into the kitchen. "Hey, Brooke!" Brendon pulled out a chair, gestering for her to sit down. She shy sat down in the chair as Brendon moved her in. Brooke saw that Brendon was happier than usual and it made her jittery.

She thought that as soon as they sit down, they'll tell her to pack her bags and leave. Brooke begged that they wouldn't. Ryan placed a plate of food down in front if her, chicken nuggets with mac and cheese. Brendon and Ryan both sat down with plates in front of them. "So, about earlier-" Brooke cut him off.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to say that. . . it just slipped. I'm sorry if you don't want to be called that."

"Not at all, Brooke! That's not what I want at all. I don't mind, baby, I'm glad you are trusting us. You can call me what you want to." Brendon grabbed her hand. Brooke smiled.

"Thanks. . . dad." Brooke said shyly. Both Ryan and Brendon smiled widely.

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