Chapter Twenty Eight

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Thank you so much for the support on the last authors note. This book really does help me in a lot of ways that most people probably wouldn't understand. Thankfully, I am feeling a lot better after reading a couple books and writing on this story. This book is officially back! I feel like an asshole for putting this book on hold for literally only a day or so but I am back bitches.

This chapter is kinda just like fluff and a filler but something important happens to our little Brooke in the next chapter.


"Oh, shit," Brendon suddenly cussed, his eyes widening. "I have to go to the studio today, I forgot. Ryan and I both have to go." Brendon said, standing up. He dropped her hand and began to rummage around in his closet. He pulled out a simple white tank top and a red flannel and dark blue jeans. "Will you be okay alone? Or do you want me to call someone?" he dropped the clothing on the bed, staring back at her. Brooke hesitated slightly. She wouldn't really like to stay home by herself, but she knew that the people at the studio aren't fans of children. She didn't want to argue, so she nodded, silently. She watch the man run around grabbing his shoes in a hurry state. He hadn't realized the time until just now, he was nearly late.

"I'll be okay Brendon." She lied slightly. He nodded and shooed her out of the room for he can change. She walked down the stairs, and into the front room where she found that Ryan was dressed. He smiled down at her, patting her head. Brooke flopped down her body to the couch, her legs swung around the side of the couch. Ryan chuckled, rolling his eyes as Brooke's head laid on Ryan's lap. "Ryro, Ryro, you look like a nerd." She chuckled, causing Ryan to poke her on the side of the head, causing Brooke to shove his hand away from her, with a fake pout on her face. Ryan was dressed in a white dress button up shirt with black jeans, and he brushed his hair back in an angle that made it look edgy. Brooke chuckled at her thought, pulling out her phone and snapping a photo, laughing as she did so.

"Hey, no, delete that," Ryan yelled slightly, standing up, and slinging her over his left shoulder. She yelped at the sudden movement, but began giggling. Her arms dangled towards the ground, her head swinging back and forth on his back. She fidgeted in his arms, but since she was so light weight, he was able to hold her on his shoulder without any problem. She once again, only for him to pull her tighter. She yelled out for Brendon in a joking matter.

"Bren, help me, Ryro won't let me go. If you love me, let me go!" Brooke exclaimed once Ryan's fingers began to attack her sides. A chuckle was heard from upstairs, at the use of a quote of one of their songs. Brendon finally walked down the stairs, now dressed fully. His eyebrow raised as he saw the problem Brooke got herself in. He laughed as he watched her pout out at him. Brendon pulled out his phone, talking a video of the chuckling girl as she attempted to get away from Ryan. After Brendon stopped filming, Ryan grew tired and finally put Brooke back down on the couch. Ryan stood next to his husband, giving him a peck on the cheek. Brooke awwed at the two, smiling softly.

"Okay, we'll be back around four. That's," Brendon paused, looking at his watch. "Five hours away. Be good and no burning down the house. And the booze is off limits." He warned, wagging his finger in front of her face. Brooke rolled her

"Ah, darn. There's goes my plans." Brooke replied sarcastically.

"Haha," Brendon chuckled, rolling his eyes, patting her head. Walking towards the door, with Brooke following behind him and Ryan. Ryan turned, kissing Brooke on the head, and soon Brendon followed suit. Brendon opened the door slightly, standing in the doorway. "Be good, strange child," (A/N: my dad calls me strange child for no reason at all). There's food in the fridge, along with pizza. Call us if you need anything." Brendon said.

"Don't set fire to the house!" Ryan exclaimed, before the door shut. Brooke locked the door behind the two, before retreating back to the couch. She sat down, turning on Netflix, and starting to play a horror movie. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out.

From: banban:

hey b. i'm bored.

To: banban

me too :( brendon and ryan just left.

To: banban

wanna come over? i have a horror movie on.

From: banban

sure :) dad said yes. i'll be over in a couple minutes.

To: banban

see you in a minute ;)

To: banban

shit :)*

From: banban

did you just wink at me

To: banban

shut up it was an accident.

From: banban


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