Chapter Twenty Two

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"Hey, Brooke, can you please open the door for me?" A voice sounded from outside Brooke's door. The voice was soft, as if someone was talking to a scared animal. Brooke used her sleeve to wipe away the tears that streamed down her face. Brooke knew that Ryan was outside the door, as it was his voice. Brooke hesitated slightly, what if Brendon was with him? He's the last person that she wants to see right now. "Its me, Ryan. Brendon isn't with me right now, it's just me." Brooke stood and shakily walked towards the door. Her small hand latched onto the door handles lock, before turning it, and pulling the door in. Ryan stood outside with a frown on his face as he stared down at the young girl, who had blood shot eyes and a broken look on her face.

Brooke felt horrible. She broke the promise she made to Ryan, which she was clean for a couple weeks, before this happened. She couldn't tell Ryan, she just couldn't. Ryan would feel disappointed in her and hate her for braking a promise. "Come in," Brooke said gently, turning back and walking back to the bed. Ryan followed and say next to her on the bed. Ryan stared at her, his eyes never leaving hers. Brooke eyes casted to the plush carpet, not being able to look at Ryan. She was ashamed how what he'd think. "Maybe he's here to tell you pack for the orphanage." The voices came back. Brooke hoped Ryan wouldn't, but the voices were telling otherwise.

"We need to talk," Ryan said. Brooke gulped, her hand shaking in front of her. Her heart begin to race. Worry filled her body. Brooke breathed trying to calm herself before she had a panic attack. She didn't want to go back, she couldn't. Brooke had horrible memories from that place. With Ms. Rossa abusing her, to Mary bullying her. She shuttered at the thought of it.

"Urie! You piece of shit! Get your ass down here now," Came the shrill voice of Ms. Rossa, her voice booming though the small orphanage. Brooke jumped up from her bed, if you could even call it a bed, and softly walked in the rough floor. She opened the broken, splitting door, stepped out, before closing the door gently behind her. It was late afternoon, and most of the girls had gone to bed by now. Brooke was dozing off but was called down. She didn't know what she did, but she knew it was bad. The moon light danced on the dirty windows, that were masked with old news papers that were poorly taped on there. She quietly walked down the stairs, careful to avoid the mysterious stains; that no one has figured out what they are. Brooke had heard rumors and guesses; they might be blood stains. The one that she has heard is the one on top of the stairs, which was a dim brownish red, was blood from when Ms. Rossa hit one of the other girls in the back of the head with a peice of wood and she hit the ground. No one knew if that was true or not.

"Yes, Ms. Rossa?" Brooke asked sweetly, her voice quiet. Ms. Rossa rolled her eyes, glaring down at the young girl. They were standing in the living room, or the play room for that matter. Ms. Rossa stood next to a man, who Brooke didn't didn't know. He was about Ms. Rossa's age, with a scruffy, unclean beard. He had a cold, dangerous look on his face. He was wearing a stained white shirt with baggie jeans. He looked scary and Brooke didn't like him already.

"This the girl? Eh, she's not the best. I want five hundred." The man said, his voice quiet and dangerous.

"Hell no. I'll give you two, she isn't worth five." Answered Ms. Rossa. Brooke didn't know whad they were talking about.

"If I'm going to do something, it's going to be five."

"What about three fifty?" Ms. Rossa is negotiated.

"Fine. Deal." He answered. Ms. Rossa pulled out her wallet and handed him the money. He stuffed the money in his back pocket, before he walked towards Brooke. She stared up at him with confusion. He latched his hand on Brooke's arm, pulling her closer. She gasped as he pulled her along. He turned around and begin to walk up the stairs with Brooke behind him.

"Have fun." Ms. Rossa chuckled. Brooke still didn't understand what they meant. The man threw open Brooke's door and shoved her in there. He walked in, looked around and grabbed one of the heavy boxes and shoved it in front of the door. He turned, shoving Brooke down. She fell on the bed, the man sat on top of her.

"Listen here child," The man spat quietly, leaning in more toward her face. His dirty hand grabbed her jaw and made her look at him. "Don't you ever tell anyone, and I mean anyone, what is about to happen. I will come and find you and kill you." He whispered.

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