Chapter Ten

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"W-why?" Ryan asked shakily. His eyes widened as he stared at her arms.

"Its not like it matters." Brooke hissed off hashish like. She pulled her arm away quickly, leaving a shocked Ryan in front of her. "Its non of your business."

"It does matter Brooke." Ryan replied. "And you are my business." Ryan said sternly, grabbing her shoulders once more. With her complaining, he pulled her over to the bathroom once more. Forcing her to sit on the seat, he grabbed the supplies he need to help her.

The emotionless look in her eyes is what hurt him the most. She seemed broken, defeated. Brooke seemed bored with this. He grabbed a few sheets of paper and pressed it against her arm. She hissed out in pain from the pressure of his hand. The white, pattern paper turned a bright crimson color. He reached over and grabbed the gauze pads and the wraps. After drawing a few pieces of gauze tape, he taped the gauze down, before wrapping the wrap around her arm, securing it with tape. 

Brooke kept her head lowered to the ground and Ryan continued to clean her wounds. After he was finished, he gently picked her up in his arms. Ryan held Brooke bridal style and led her into the bedroom.

He sat her down and sat next to her on the bed. The bed shifted under their weight.

"Why?" Ryan asked simply. It may have been short, but his words spoke volumes. After Brooke didn't reply, Ryan sighed. Brooke sat with her arms circled around herself, her legs dangling from the bed. "Brooke, you can talk to me. I know what you are going through."

"You don't know what I'm going through okay Ryan? You don't!" Brooke exploded, her voice growing louder.

"Listen, I grew up in an abusive household. I used to be a self harmer. And it was hard for me when I came out to my parents, because they both were homophobic." Ryan sighed. Brooke felt a pang of guilt. "But still, I want you to talk to me. Start from the beginning." Ryan attempted to coax her into talking.

"I- it started when Sarah dragged me away. I remember that day so clearly," Brooke whispered. Ryan placed his hand on her knee. "I was crying and she slapped me across the face. It started off normally a few slaps but it never really went passed that. That is until I turned seven. She... She would come home with different men every night. Sarah became emotionally and physically abusive. I went weeks without food. I had this one friend though. His name was Lewis. Lewis dealt with some of the things I went through. He was born a female and his birth was Victoria. Everyone made fun of him and he was my only friend at the hellish school. I was the only one who helped him, and he helped me. He would bring me food and bandaged the wounds that Sarah caused me. That is until he was forced by his parents to an all girl Christian school. I haven't seen him since. I didn't know where he went and I wasn't able to see him. Sarah started to do drugs and it was noticeable. I don't- I don't why I started to self harm, it was more of my emotions taking hold of me. I- I just didn't stop doing it. It started becoming dull and I didn't feel pain. I just haven't stopped since then. I don't know. The only two people know about my cutting was Lewis and Sarah's friend, I- I think his name was Troy or something." Brooke finished. 

Troy, as in the Troy that harmed her when she was little? Ryan thought, his eyes widened. Without hesitation, he pulled Brooke into his arms tightly. He murmured sweet words into her ear as she tensed in his arms. Ryan knew what she was doing, she was attempting not the cry. And the way that her body shook made it clear. "It's okay to cry. I'm here. I'm here." He soothed. Something clicked inside her. Brooke didn't know what caused it. But she reached out and grabbed Ryan tightly. Brooke fisted his shirt in her hand. Tears filled Ryan's shirt as she began to sob into his chest. He rubbed circles on her back in an attempt to calm her. She continued to sob into his chest.   

"P-please don't tell Brendon. I don't want him to know." Brooke whispered into Ryan's chest. Ryan felt weird and sad, he wanted to tell Brendon and he deserves to know, but he didn't want to break Brooke's trust. 

"Okay, b-but just tell me that you'll never hurt yourself like this again. You may think we don't care but we really do. Come talk to me when you are feeling sad. You are never, never alone." Ryan whispered into her ear. 


Aye, I'm home. Anyway, I have a headache and I'm extremely tired. We talked about politics for three different hours. 

First, I like this chapter because it tells how Ryan is really a parent figure to Brooke. I don't know why, I just love how Ryan becomes her father in a short time. It's just cute to me. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 


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