Chapter Eight

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"Brooke? What's wrong?" Brendon asked with shock ringing in his voice. He attempted to reach out to the small girl, earning a finch from her. Her hands covered her knees as she pulled her knees to her chest. Her sobs began to grow, as Her chest heaved. Both of them stared at her with confustion and concern written on their face. Brendon reached up and attempted to touch Brookes face.

"Please don't hurt me- I'm s-sorry." Brooke sobbed, curling herself up in a protective manor. Her arms went over her face, as if she was blocking someone from hitting her.

Brendon's heart broke.

He was at a loss for words. I never hit Brooke; why would she think that? Brendon thought as he stared at the trembling girl in front of him.

Ryan was still in shock. He couldn't believe that Brooke snapped like that. Her sobs continued as she curcled up in a ball. "I- I think it's best that we leave her alone." Ryan said, coming out of his state of shock.

"No," Brendon shook his head, his eyes widening. "We- we can't just leave her like this."

"Brendon, we can't help her. She's scared." Ryan sighed, grabbing Brendon's hand to drag him away. Ryan knows what's going on; she's having a panic attack. And it's clear that the last person that she wants to see is Brendon.

"I'm sorry." Brendon said to Brooke, his heart hurting. He stood and walked with Ryan out the door.

Brookes head hurt. She felt like she was back at Sarah's house. She couldn't stop crying, and she didn't know why. Everything hurt. With her shaking hands, she pushed herself off the bed once the door to her bedroom was closed.

The bathroom was only a few feet away. She rushed in there and closed the door. Sinking to the ground, Brooke sobbed out. Her hand reached out and opened the cabinet door from under the sink.

The cabinet was used for storage, as it was full with toiletries. She pushed everything a side and breathed when she found what she was looking for. She pulled out the unopened blue box and smiled in content. Brooke reached in and grabbed one of them. Tears still filled her eyes.

With a sigh, she opened the packet.

The packet opened, and Brooke held it between her fingers with a smile. She stared at the object.

A razor blade.



Its about nine o'clock and I got bored. I just got out the shower and I wrote this.

I'll leave it on a cliff hanger for a while (a.k.a until tomorrow)


She Held The World ✿ Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now