Chapter Thirty Two

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Authors note: I honesty hate myself for not updating in what feels like weeks. I keep saying this; but I'm so sorry about not pushing out chapters like I used to, and I don't know how to apologize. Being at my grandparent's house, I'm left with a lot of time on my hands. So I've decided to update on this story.

School started up weeks ago and I guess I've been busy. I have a lot of homework at night, and I'm finding it hard to find time to do the things I used to do. But I have a three day weekend in front of me and I plan to write as much as I can.

- Lil

C H A P T E R   T H I R T Y   T W O

Brendon and Ryan cane home hours later, much to Brooke's dismay. Bandit went home once they came back, as much as Brooke didn't want to admit it, Brooke wishes she didn't have to go. Brendon questioned her on what happened, causing her to give short, cut answers. Ryan couldn't help but notice the bright color that danced across the two girls cheeks once they said their farewells. Brooke's lips still tingled from their lips colliding, and her heart raced from the words that were exchanged.

"So," Ryan dragged out the word, "What happened while we were gone?" A smirk crossed his face. Brendon's humming was heard from the kitchen as smells of pork chops filled the house. Brooke's face burned red in an instant, as her eyes casted to the ground. Ryan was smiling from ear to ear at the reaction of his daughter, Brooke trying to hide her embarrassment. Ryan judged her in the shoulder, a playful wink shooting towards her. That didn't help her embarrassment.

"Pft, nothing happened." She tried to sound calm, but on the inside, she was screaming. Ryan shot her a look as if he didn't believe her. "Really, we just talked and played games." She attempted to reassure him, which still caused him not to believe her. Ryan busted out laughing at her horrible attempts to persuade him. Brooke rolled her eyes, scoffing playfully at the childish behavior of the man.

"Bullshit. Something else happened, tell me," Ryan hummed. Brooke sighed and went to go reply with the sane thing she did before, lie about it. "And if you say that nothing happened, I'll go check the cameras." Brooke felt her heart drop. She was unaware of the supposes cameras. Her breathing quickened, as she stared at the man who was laughing.

"Ryan, stop being mean," Brendon laughed. "We don't have cameras in our house, B." Ryan stopped laughing, a pout spreading across his face. Brooke's face cracked with a slight smile crossing her face. Brooke's laughter followed suit of Brendon's laugh. Ryan continued to pout, his mind trying to make up an excuse.

"You weren't supposed to tell her that." He sighed dramatically. Brooke couldn't help but nearly fall down, laughing. Brendon rolled his eyes, still mixing something in the pan. Brooke stuck her tongue out and Ryan, turning around and walking to the kitchen. She plopped down the chair at the table right as Brendon walked over with plates in his hands. Ryan pretended to be hurt, while fake crying. 

"Oh shut up. Dinner's ready," Brendon chuckled, placing a plate in front of Brooke. She smiled and thanked him, while starting to eat. Ryan came in, sitting down on the chair next to Brendon, while both of them were eating. Brooke was surprisingly hungry, and continued eating without words. It was a soup, a soup that the girl didn't know what was in it, but it had chicken and dumplings in it. There was a moist turkey right it, which Brooke tore into. 

Once they half way finished, Ryan placed down his spoon. He stared at the girl, "Brooke Boyd Urie," He said in a joking warning. Brooke stared at Brendon, a look almost saying 'help me' but Brendon shook his head, continuing to eat. 

"George Ryan Urie," Brooke mocked quietly. Ryan gasped, placing his hand on his chest, over his heart. 

"Tell me what happened you small child." Ryan demanded. Brooke didn't know if she should tell them. Would they be angry. She shrugged, almost refusing to answer. 

"Would you look at the time," Brooke said, attempting to get away from the topic. "I-" Brendon stopped her by cutting in. 

"Tell us, please." Brendon pouted. Brooke sighed. 

"We kissed, okay?" Brooke said, looking down at the table. Brooke thought that they would be disappointed in her and since she couldn't see their expression, she got worried. 

She did not expect Brendon and Ryan to scream loudly, like two teenage girls. 


I wrote this three days ago and I just now finished it. I'm a shitty writer, whoops. I'm in History class so I got to gooo. Hope you like the chapter.

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