Chapter Three ✔

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With her bag beside her, Brooke glanced around. She was on a plane for the first time, and to say the least, she was nervous. Her hair was covering her face as she leaned forward. One earbud was in her ear, but the music couldn't help calm her. She sat close to the window, and two people sat beside her.

It was clearly and an older woman and her daughter. The daughter sat the closest to Brooke. "Hey," The person said. Brookes head shot over to the woman. The woman's hair was pulled into two ponytails and her hair was jet black. Her dark brown eyes stared at Brooke. Her high jawline, along with her bright red lipstick, caused Brooke to gasp. She was pretty, to say the least. The woman was dressed in a white button-up shirt, which the sleeves were rolled up, with a black vest on it. Her jig jag tie laid on her chest, along with a few pins. Her short black skirt stretched across her toned, long legs. "Here, it helps." The woman said, passing a piece of wrapped gum over to Brooke. Brooke thanked the woman and opened the gum. Brooke began chewing it and her breathing slowed as she was starting to calm down.

"So what brings you to Las Vegas? Are you here to meet your family or friends?" The daughter asked this time. She seemed generally nice, but she had the badass feel to her. Brooke felt like she knew her, but she couldn't remember the woman's name.

"I'm here to meet my dad. What about you?" Brooke replied softly and politely.

"Ah, have fun. And I'm here because my husband's friend is holding a party for someone. I'm here with my daughter." She gestured over to the girl next to them, who was texting on her phone. She had long dark brown hair and a mix of blue and brown eyes. The girl was around Brooke's age.

"Sup. I'm Bandit by the way." The girl smiled, placing down her phone and glancing at Brooke. Bandit was dressed in a 'My Chemical Romance' hoodie and ripped jeans, similar to Brookes outfit. Brookes body stop ached from the beatings Sarah gave her. She prayed that the two people didn't comment on her bruised up face, and thankfully, they didn't.

Brooke gave a soft wave. "I'm Brooke."

"And I'm Batman." The older woman replied dramatically. Brooke and Bandit giggled. "Nah, I'm just kidding. My names Lindsay."

The three talk for a while. Brooke felt like she knew them but she was too shy to ask any questions. The trip was a three-hour trip, so they passed the time by talking. Brooke couldn't help but smile at Bandit. Bandit was so nice and just like Brooke. "Attention, the plane is landing, everyone please strap on your seat belts. Welcome to Las Vegas, enjoy your stay." The intercom said. Brooke started to get nervous. Was she really about to see her dad again? She couldn't even fathom meeting them again.

Bandit and Lindsay wrote down their numbers and gave the paper to Brooke once the plane landed and they went their separate ways. Brooke sighed and slung her back over her shoulder and began walking. She was the last one on the plane. Her nerves shot through the roof. What will they say? Will they even be here? She closed her eyes and stepped off the plane.

She Held The World ✿ Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now