Chapter Thirty

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Brooke blushed deeper, if that was possible. She didn't know how to reply, just stared at the ground. Pausing, she reached out and grabbed Bandit's hand in her own. She looked up and smiled at the other girl. Both of their faces burned a bright red as they stared into each other's eyes. Brooke's hand fit over Bandit's warm, soft hand, gently squeezing it. Returning the gesture, Bandit smiled at the other girl.

"How dare you think that it was okay to be like this?!" Sarah spat in her face, causing Brooke to flinch away. Sarah gripped the collar of her shirt, lifting her up, forcing her to look at her. "You can't be gay! I won't accept it, it's so wrong, it's so gross. You are no better than that fag of a father. I swear to god, I'll fucking murder you." Tears streamed down Brooke's face as Sarah continued to spout nonsense at her. Her face was burned and bloody, while bruises covered her body. The seven year old attempted to fight against the woman, only for her face to be pushed into the ground. She tasted the metallic taste in her mouth as Sarah pushed her face into the metal floor. She felt her lip become swollen, and she felt as if her nose was broken. Brooke tried to muffle her sobs as Sarah reached out and grabbing Brooke's arm, bending it in an awkward position behind her back.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Brooke begged, the pain shooting though her arm. She wanted to move, but pain began to get worse but if she moved, her arm might have snapped if she moved slightly. She wanted her father to be there, she wanted to have her family back, she wanted to get away from Sarah, but she was stuck.

"You are a worthless piece of shit. No wonder your fag father gave you up to me; he doesn't love you. He doesn't want you, you are a mistake, I didn't want you, Brendon didn't want you. You are just one night stand that I didn't want. That's why I gave you to the orphanage. I wish they would have killed you there. I was thinking of getting an abortion but my friend talked me out of it. I should have gone through with it, god." Sarah let go of Brooke's arm, letting it fall to the ground. She kicked Brooke in the stomach extremely hard, causing Brooke to cough up blood onto the floor. Her face remained on the ground, her arm tucked under herself, trying to get the pain to calm down slightly. Tears dropped like rain onto the floor, blood and tears mixing together. She just wanted it to end, end it all, she can't take this anymore. Sarah finally threw down the class bottle, shattering on the ground next to Brooke's head. "Gay fag." She gave Brooke one more kick before turning around, slamming the door behind her, leaving her sobbing on the ground.

"Brooke, Brooke? Look at me!" Bandit began shaking Brooke's shoulders. Brooke's body began to shake, her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She felt blood on her, she felt the cold metal on her skin and she didn't know what to do. Bandit didn't know what caused what this, but she was attempting to snap her out of it. Brooke gave no reaction, still shaking. Bandit called her name once again before reaching out for Brooke's phone. Dialing Brendon's number, she placed the phone to her ear. He answered on the fourth ring.

"Hello, Brooke? Is everything okay?" His worried voice rang out.

"Brendon, it's Bandit. I'm with Brooke and something is wrong.... I don't know what happened. We were... talking one moment before she just stopped moving and now she's shaking." Bandit explained quickly into the phone.

"Shit," Brendon gasped. "T- try calming her down... by singing to her. She loves songs; her favorite song is 'This Is Gospel'. I can't leave right now, but I would if I could." Brendon sighed.

"Okay, I'll tell you if anything happens. Thanks, Brendon." Bandit ended the call without saying goodbye. She pulled Brooke closer to her, letting her head rest on her chest. Brooke willingly accepted the hug, holding Bandit closer to her. After a couple of minutes of hugging, before she pulled away. Brooke stared down at Bandit, still unable to talk. They were extremely close together, their noses nearly touching. They looked at each other in the eyes, Brooke biting down on her lip. Brooke leaned closer to her, as did Bandit.

Until their lips met.


aye chapter up. I'm super hyperactive right now because of my insomnia and ADHD kicking in all at once. ugh. I finished this chapter in little over thirty minutes because I'm bored and very off the fucking walls right now. yayyyy. It's not even eleven am but I'm still tired yet hyper.

Also #Brandit is very much in the chapter :)


She Held The World ✿ Brendon UrieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora