Chapter Thirty Three

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"Hey, Brendon?" Brooke called, rushing down the stairs. Ryan sat on the couch, his phone in his hand, while Brendon was sitting on island. Brendon looked down at Brooke, a smile on his lips. He waited her to continue. "I found four dollars in my pocket and Starbucks is just down the road-" Brendon cut her off by chucking.

"You craving the white-girl-coffee?" Ask Brendon jokingly. Brooke rolled her eyes at her father, a smile cracking her face.

"More than anything." Brooke retored. She was hopping he would say yes.

"Okay fine," Brendon chaved in. He opened his wallet, slidding a twenty dollar bill in Brookes hand; which Brooke stared at with amazement. "Get me a white chocolate frap-"

"And a peppermint mocha!" Ryan cut in. Brooke laughed at the orders that the two had placed. 

"White girls." Brooke remarked, sliding towards the door.

"Remember the rules; no talking to-"

"No talking to anyone who looks scary, don't go in dark alleys, stay in well lit areas, no drinking, smoking, or partying, always tell someone where you are going, always keep an eyes out for people who put something on your drink, and if in trouble, go to a police officer or someone who can call the police." Brooke cut him off, remembering the rules by heart. Ryan's chuckle went threw the house as Brendon sat there shocked. Brandon soon snapped out of it, laughing along with Ryan. "Bye," Brooke dragged out closing the door behind her.


After she had order all of the coffees (Plus a browie that she wanted) she sat down waiting for the coffees. While she took in her environment; a seemingly empty workplace full of people using computers, elderly people talking, and some people sitting alone. Brooke still had three dollars left over in her hand. Someone slid into the seat in front of her, causing her to jump.

"You're Brendon Urie's kid." The man seemingly scoffed. The man had thick brown hair that was shaven on the side. He was wearing a suit -- which caught Brooke off guard slightly. And he dark eyes with a glare in them. "Let me guess; you have no idea who I am." He chuckled darkly.

"I don't- I'm-" She stuttered, looking around for something or someone to help her get away from him.

"The name is Brent Wilson. Your father fucked me over years ago. You see, him and his fag friends kicked me out of the band thinking that I wasn't doing my part. They fucked me over millions of dollars. Now, it's their turn." He plucked the three dollars out of her hand. "We can start there."

"Hey! Give that back!" She tried to pull it back from him, but he smirked, pulling it towards him.

"Nope," He laughed. Brooke felt her heart drop. "Your father isn't who you think he is. You might want to leave before you see the real him." Brent said. Brooke was still attempting to reach for the money when someone else walked in.

"Hey, Brooke, you left your-" Brendon said walking closer when stopped. He gasped, "Brent. . ." Brent smirked at the other man, standing up to meet his eye. Quickly, Brendon grabbed Brooke, placing her behind his body, making it hard for Brent to see her. "What the hell did you say to her?" Brendon demanded.

"Nothing much, actually, she's just like you -- scared and afraid." Remarked Brent. Brendon's fists tighted dangerously. The only thing stopping him from yelling at Brent,  his the grip that Brooke had on his shirt.

He turned around to face her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"N-no, he didn't. But he took the three dollars I had." She whispered to him, hoping that Brent wouldn't hear. Brendon patted her shoulder, frowning. Brendon stood, facing Brent once again. Brooke wasn't sure what was going on, and she didn't understand the anger between them. But Brooke had to admit; Brendon was scary when he was angry.

"Why don't you give my daughter her three dollars back and we'll leave." Brendon said.

"Why don't you give back the millions of dollars I lost when you kicked me out of the band?" Brent snapped. Before Brendon could snap back, Brooke stepped in, seeing as this was going no where.

"Brent, why can you just give me my money back? I know you hate my dad, but I'm not my dad. You don't have to be a jerk about this. Just hand the money over and we will part ways." Brooke tried to be reasonable.

"Fine," He slapped down the money on the table. "But this will not be the end of it, Brendon, so help me God, I will ruin your life and your daughters life just like you did mine." Brent marched out of the building. Brendon glared at the door.

"Did he touch you? What did he say to you?" Brendon quickly demanded at Brooke once he left. Before she could answer, her name was called for the coffees. She picked up all three coffees in the brown tray, along with the browie, and sat them down on the table.

"Hey, at least they spelled your name wrong." Brooke pointed to the cup that was labled 'Brandon'. Both of them chuckled.


This took me an hour imma go cry now.

- lil

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