Chapter Twenty

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"Ugh, what did I do last night?" Brendon groaned, placing his hand over his forehead. He sat up on the couch, his head throbbing. Brendon didn't remember much from last night, besides the fact that him and the rest started drinking. He tried to sit up, causing more pain to shoot though him. Ryan walked into the open door, sighing at the hung over man. It was around noon, and the sun shinned brightly outside. Gerard had left by this time, and Dan and Dallon are still passed out.

"You fucked up last night Brendon; with Brooke." Ryan glared at Brendon. Brendon was confused by Ryan's words.

"What happened? Where is she?" Brendon said worryingly, confusion lacing his voice.

"She's at Gerard and Lindsey's; she left last night." Ryan sat down on the bed. "You really scared Brooke last night, Brendon. She came down to get water and you grabbed onto her wrist and wouldn't let her ago. I pushed you away from her and she fell to the ground. Brooke then ran up to her room and Bandit tried to calm her down. She was scared to stay here for the night so I took her, Bandit, and Gerard to their house and Brooke stayed there." Ryan answered. Brendon gasped, sitting up fully.

"Did I really do that?" Brendon asked with shock.

Ryan nodded, "You know how she feels about that Brendon. She can't stand to be around alcoholic people. Not- not after Sarah."

"Fuck, I need to go talk to her." He jumped up and tried to sooth his painful headache. The pain quickly passed, as he walked out the bedroom door. He threw on his shoes on and grabbed his keys. Ryan called out for him, but Brendon didn't stop.


Brendon hesitated to knock on the door. What if Brooke didn't want to see him? What if she was too scared to look him in the eyes, or that she never wanted to see him again? His hand knocked on the door and he waited for a response.

"Oh, Brendon, I didn't expect you here this early. And this," Gerard paused. His fist lifted and cracked against Brendon's jaw. Brendon doubled over, holding his hand over his face. He coughed, as he felt blood dripped down his face. "This is for Brooke."

"What the hell was that for?!" Brendon yelled.

"You made Brooke cry all last night. She would talk to anyone at all; not even Bandit or Lin. You really upset her. I'm not even sure if she wants to see you." Gerard sighed, running his hand over his face. Brendon sighed, still holding his face. 

"Please, I just want to talk to her." Brendon begged. Gerard finally nodded and let him in. Brendon thanked him and walked in. He heard Brooke's voice and he followed that. He jogged up the stairs and went into one of the rooms; which happened to be Bandit's room. His heart broke just to see her. She was curled up with her legs to her chest, her face buried into her pants. Her hair was messy, and her body gently moved back in forth, indicating that she was crying. Bandit sat next to her, attempting to calm her.  Once the door opened, Bandit looked around and faced towards Brendon. Her dark eyes glared at Brendon, causing him to sigh, "Bandit, can I talk to Brooke alone?" Brendon asked sadly. Bandit stood and walked towards the door. 

Although she was a lot shorter than him, she leaned up and whispered, "Don't hurt her again, or you'll have to deal with me." She threatened lowly. Brendon's eyes widened as he stared down at the smaller girl. He nodded, not saying anything. "Good." Bandit finished and walked out the door, closing it behind her. Brendon slowly walked up to Brooke, while Brooke remained still not moving. He knelt down, pressing his back into the bed. He sat next to her. He placed his hand over her knee, causing Brooke to flinch away from him. With a hurt expression, he drew his hand away. 

"Brooke, please, look at me." Brendon sighed softly. Brooke shook her head, refusing to look at him. Without thinking, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his chest. "Look, Brooke, I didn't mean to do what I did. I shouldn't have done that; I wasn't thinking. I'm so so sorry." 

"P-please leave m-me alone." Brooke cried, attempting to move away, but Brendon refused to let her ago. 

"The reason why I did what I did, was because- because I'm afraid to lose you again. I lost you once to Sarah and I missed you- we missed you. You don't even know how many times before you came back, that we went to a lawyer and tried to get you back. We tried everything. We love you Brooke, never forget that. You may not believe me but you have to trust me on this. While you were gone, I missed you so much." Brendon choked out, tears filling his eyes.

"I can't fucking trust you Brendon. You gave me away to- to that witch. You didn't even bother to give me a phone call; let alone a text message! Maybe it's best that I was given away, then I wouldn't have to deal with your fake love! Both of you; all you give is fake love."

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