Chapter Twenty Five

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Are you guys fans of The Walking dead Game? Season three just came out and I'm screaming. My friend messaged me an hour go, screaming through text telling me to watch the video, so I did. I wanna cry, Clemmy Clo is big now, she's so beautiful right now lmao. 

Here's your chapter. So Sinziee, I'm so sorry and I think you know what I'm talking about. Whahaha enjoy this chapter. 


"God, I'm so sorry Brooke." Brendon whispered into her ear as he held her closer to his chest. Brooke couldn't help wrap her arms around her father, her arms slinging around his shoulders. He leaned over, hunching Brooke over also. She felt wetness on her shoulder and she soon realized that Brendon was crying. He gently kissed her forehead, before standing back up. Brendon stood back up, brushing the tears from his eyes. He turned towards Ryan, rushing back over to Ryan. Ryan smiled sadly, opening his arms from Brendon. Brendon gladly accept the hug, walking into Ryan's arms. Brendon pressed his lips to Ryan's with so much passion. They broke the kiss, still hugging. "I'm such an asshole, I'm sorry." He said to Ryan, his worlds muffled as he dug is face into Ryan's chest.  

"It's okay Brendon, I understand." Ryan smiled. They both pulled back, staring into each others eyes. "I'm going to start dinner." Ryan replied, kissing Brendon once more before pulling away and heading to the kitchen, leaving Brooke and Brendon alone. Brendon reached out, squeezing Brooke hand gently. He slightly pulled her towards the couch, as he sat down, Brooke sat down next to him. Brendon felt his heart began to race. He hoped that Brooke wasn't mad, or else things would be different between them. He looked down at her, his eyes met hers. His large hand over lapped over her small one, his metal ring pressing against her knuckles softly. Brendon smiled sadly down at her. He noticed that she didn't pull away like she normally does when he held her hand. She seemed more relaxed; calmed in a way. She stared back at Brendon in the eyes, sadly. She hated when people cried, when people cried over her, it hurts her. She doesn't want anyone crying, that includes her two fathers.   

"Brooke, just, I know you might not want to hear this, but-" Brendon was about to explain but was cut off by Brooke smiling, still holding his hand. Brendon still felt horrible about how he hurt her. His eyes where slightly bloodshot, and he still had some tears in his eyes. She leaned against him, her head on his shoulder. Brendon wasn't expecting Brooke to do that, but he let her. There was a silence, while Brooke and Brendon remained in their embrace. Brendon laid his head on hers, smiling softly at her. His sad frown turned into a slightly happy smile. With her actions, Brendon thought that she wasn't mad at him anymore. Brooke still remained on his shoulder before she replied, she voice quiet and delicate.  

"Brendon, it's okay, I'm not angry or upset. It was an accident. You were drunk." Brooke said gently to Brendon. Brendon let a breath of relief. He squeezed her closer to his chest. What did I do to deserve her kindness?  Brendon thought.

"I'm still sorry. I shouldn't have gotten drunk and did that. I'm just... just afraid of losing you." Brendon said sheepishly. He slung his arm around Brooke's waist, holding her closer. Brendon is afraid, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he was afraid of losing his daughter. What if Sarah gets cleared and Brooke goes back to her? "I missed you so much and I just can't bare losing you again. I love you a lot and you are everything to me." He said brokenly, a tear falling from his eye. 

"You aren't going to lose me, Brendon. I'm here to stay, I'm not going anywhere."


After they finished eating dinner, they decided it was best for them to just forget what happened. They finished their dinner, before turning on a movie. After much debate, they finally landing on The Shine. Brendon and Ryan said on either side of Brooke, as they bundle up together in one blanket. Iris finally came out from hiding, which she does when she's scared, before flopping down under the blanket and on Brooke's lap. Brooke smiled contently; her family might be dysfunctional, but they are all she needs. She begin dozing, as was Brendon.

"Goodnight princesses." Brendon whispered, kissing Brooke on the forehead. Brooke hummed, to tired to talk. She mumbled something that sounds like a 'goodnight' before her eyes fluttered closed. Brendon's eyes soon followed. 


"Don't fucking move you piece of shit," A man's voice boomed, waking Brendon up. He heard Brooke scream, and someone muffle it. His eyes shot opened as he looked around. He looked over with shock and found Ryan tied up along with Brooke. Brooke was crying, tears streaming down her face. Rope had covered both Ryan and Brooke's mouths and bonded their arms. Ryan was trying to fight the ropes, watching as they slung Brooke to the ground. Brendon stood, rushing over, tackling the man to the ground from behind. The man yelp as the gun went flying across the floor. Brendon was able to land one punch before another man ran over and got Brendon off of the man. He fought the man's arms attempting to get away. The man slashed the gun against his head, causing Brendon to stop. He was knelt down, facing Brooke, while Brendon was next to Ryan. Brooke looked at them with tears in her eyes. A scared look passed her face as the man walked closer to her. 

"Who should we kill first?" The man chuckled rhetorically, the silver gun still drawn towards Ryan and Brooke. It dance between the two people that screamed. 

Brendon tried to yell, only for the other man to push a rope against his face. The man chuckled once again, before spitting out, "Who, huh? The runt, mistake teenager or the faggot? I say the runt." The man finished. Brooke yelped and tried to move, only for her wrist to burn more. 

"No! Don't hurt her!" Brendon screamed out.

 "Then I'll kill both." The man roared. One single gun shot was heard, causing Brendon to squeeze his eyes closed. There was a yelp, from someone as a thud was heard. Like a body hitting the ground. Brendon felt blood on his face, he screamed, his eyes still tightly closed. 

"No, no, no!" Brendon sobbed, not daring to look up.

She Held The World ✿ Brendon UrieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang