Chapter Twenty Six

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"Do you mind explaining what happened?" The police officer asked Brendon. Brendon stared blankly on, he couldn't believe what just happened. It was right in his eyes, he couldn't forget it. As the body lay lifeless on the stretcher, a thick green bag covered the body from head to toe. Brendon's body shook and he stared at the bag. His breathing was heavy and uneven. A blanket had been wrapped around his shoulders, which covered his chest and arms. The police officer, which was named Blake, placed his hand over Brendon's shoulder, causing Brendon to look at him.

"The man... He just came in. I woke up to him screaming. T-then there was a gun shot," Brendon paused, his voice getting caught in his throat. A tear ran down his face. "A-and Brooke fell. He shot her. He fucking shot Brooke."

"I'm sorry Mr. Urie. Did this man have any motive against you and your family?" Blake said once more, a sad look passing his face. Brendon thought for a moment. He barely knew the guy. But he knew that face.

"I- I knew him. In high school. He bullied Ryan and I. A fight happened and he ended up losing. The police came and he was arrested on harassment and trespassing. He swore to harm my family. And- and he did it. His name was Mike Farron." Brendon whispered sadly. Mike always hated Ryan and Brendon, for what seemed like no reason what so ever. On day, Mike came to Brendon's house one day while they were hanging out and tried to pull a knife on both of them. Boyd was able to get Mike to the ground after they started to fight and the police called. Mike slashed Boyd in the stomach and caused a wound. He was arrested and went to jail and was charged as an adult.  

"We'll do our best to find him. Thank you for the information, sir. I'm so sorry about your loss." The police officer said, gently removing his hand from Brendon's shoulder.

"T-thank you." Brendon stuttered, brushing away the tears in his eyes with his sleeve. Brendon walked over to Ryan, who was sitting on the curb. His knees were pushed against his chest, his face pulled into his knees. His body moved with sobs. Another blanket was around his shoulders and he tightly held it in place. Brendon sat next to him, wrapping his arms around Ryan. Ryan landed against his chest, his face pressed to his shoulder. Tears streamed down both of their faces.

"She's gone, Brendon, she's just gone." Ryan sobbed, rocking back and forth on himself.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Brendon sobbed, holding Ryan closer.

"This can't be real. It can't be fucking real." Ryan choked, tears still running down his face.

Brendon could think straight. He lost her. He lost Brooke. He lost his only daughter. And it was all his fault.


"Brendon," A voice called out beside him. He shot up and looked around. He saw Ryan beside him, gently shaking him. They both were in bed, the blanket tucked around them. Brendon was dripping with sweat from the dream- more like nightmare- he just went through. "Everything alright?" Ryan asked. Brendon suddenly threw off the blanket, and stood up. He grabbed his head from the pain that shot though it.

"I- I'll be right back." He stumbled over his words, opening the door in a hurry. The cold wood floor was under him as he ran to Brooke's room. He quickly made it there and threw open the door. Only for him to be shocked. The bed was neatly made, all clothing was gone, and there was no sign of anyone living in that room. "No, no!" Brendon yelled out, falling to his knees. Ryan rushed in after hearing Brendon's panicked voice.

"Brendon, what's wrong?" He asked, kneeling down next to the man. Brendon had his head in his hands, as he felt worry and panic take hold of him.

"Where's Brooke?" Brendon asked with wide eyes. He removed his hands and stared at Ryan. Ryan gulped and looked down. "Ryan, where is she?" He asked once more. Ryan sighed and looked at Brendon in the eyes. He reached over and grabbed his hand.

"You don't remember what happened, do you," He asked. Brendon shook his head as a reply. "Brendon, she's still with Sarah. W- we haven't been able to get her back."

"Wake up," A voice called. It seemed far away. Brendon couldn't remember where he was. "Brendon, please wake up," The voice was becoming clearer and clearer. It was a young girls voice. Brendon felt like he was underwater; he couldn't move or wake up. "Should we call someone?" The voice said once more, talking to another person.

"I think he's waking up." A deeper voice replied. Brendon blinked, finally being able to open his eyes. He coughed and sheilded his eyes from the bright light. He noticed that there was two people close to him. He was laying on something soft it seemed.

"Ah, you're awake," The young voice said again. Brendon looked over and his eyes widened. Brooke sat on the bed that he was laying on, right next to his side. He sat up and looked around. His eyes kept looking at her, he couldn't look away. With shaking hands, Brendon reached out and palmed her cheek in his hand.

"B- Brooke, you're okay." Brendon gasped, pulling her closer to him. He stared at her with shock in his eyes.

"Yeah, of course I am." She smiled slightly.

"W- what happened?" Brendon asked, looking around the room. He noticed that Ryan had slipped out and he heard the water running down stairs shortly.

"You woke up last night and went to my room before you just passed out again. Ryan and I were worried." Brooke explained. Brendon felt a sigh of relief pass his lips.

"I just had a bad dream. That's all."


I sorry lmao. Oops I did it again. Anyway sorry for this chapter. I was trying to get people on edge for the next chapter and try to up the story.

Questions of the Day;

1.) Why is Brendon having these dreams?

2.) Is Sinziee going to murder me in my sleep tonight?

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