Chapter Thirteen

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I finally got my glasses in the mail. I can see again.


The night passed slowly for Brooke. She wasn't able to get any sleep in the night. Brooke's felt uncomfortable. It was a weird change for her. From a lumpy, rock hard bed to a soft and comfortable bed. After an awkward dinner, Brooke retreated to her bedroom and fell asleep slowly after staring out the window for a while. She loved the room, as she did when she was a child. It was a whole new feeling to Brooke. She could describe it. In a way, Brooke felt calm and safe, but at the same time, she felt tense and scared. Was it a dream? Brooke thought. But realized soon after that it wasn't.

Her feet gently patterned on the floor as she got up and walked. She still felt disgusting from dinner, and felt as if she'd puke. Fearing Brendon or Ryan would hear, she quietly retreated into the bathroom. Getting on her knees, she forced herself the throw up two times. She coughed and gently stood up, flushing the toilet. Brooke went to the sink and brushed her teeth and washed her hands.

Bushing away the small tears, she walk into the kitchen. Only to find Ryan cooking breakfast and Brendon standing behind him, holding his waist. Brendon burried his face into Ryans shoulder. Brooke slightly awww at the two. They seemed to not notice Brooke when she walked through. She decided not to bother them. Brooke gently walked over to the couch and say down quietly.

"Fuck you." Ryan said. Brooke jumped in fear that he was talking to her. Brooke looked over and found Brendon refusing to let Ryan go. Ryan wasn't annoyed or angry, he was laughing.

"I know you want to." Brendon replied with a sexualized look crossing his face. Brooke felt awkward just sitting there.

That is until two dogs ran in. Both tackling her and licking her face. They sat down on her lap and covered her arms and face with kisses. One was light white with brown over his eyes, and the other was dark black and brown. They yipped happily as Brooke placed her hand on their head and rubbed gently.

"Oh," Ryan said, the both turned around, facing Brooke. "I didn't see you there." Brooke thought he would be angry, but he smiled at her gently, reassuring her that he wasn't.

"Bogart, Penny Lane, stop attacking the girl." Brendon chuckled at the two dogs. The dogs pouted and sat next to her legs. "Good morning Brooke." Brendon smiled at his daughter. Brooke replied with a good morning as Brendon helped Ryan sit down plates.

"I didn't you had dogs." Brooke smiled softly, staring at the two dogs that laid their heads on her legs.

"We didn't want them to bother you on your first day. They stayed with my parents." Brendon smiled. Brooke nodded, continually petting both dogs, who seemed to be dying for her attention.

"Breakfast is ready Brooke." Ryan smiled at the young girl. Brooke stood slowly, causing the two dogs to wimper. She began to walk, the two dogs following behind her. It was almost like they were her little body guards.

Brooke sat down at the table. She wasn't hungry for say, but she didn't want to protest and be dramatic. Bogart and Penny sat down next to her feet under the table. She sat in the same spot from last night. It was pancakes and bacon that laid on the white plate in front of her. Brooke never like her pancakes with syrup, which she never knew why.

"So I was thinking that we could go shopping for clothing today." Brendon smiled gently. Brooke was slightly worried. She didn't want them buying her too many things and spending to much money.

"U-uhm okay... I don't mind. A-are you sure?" Brooke stuttered out. Ryan placed his hand over Brendon's hand, and with his other, grabbed Brooke's hand from over the table.


After they finished eating and getting dressed, they went to mall. Brooke felt awkward walking around with Ryan and Brendon. Brooke thought that the two wouldn't wouldn't want to be seen with her.

They walked into a store that Brooke didn't recognize. After looking around in the self, Brendon pulled out a couple shirts to show Brooke. She didn't know what to wear so she took what Brendon showed her.

She awkwardly walked into the dressing room, with the shirt in her hand. It was a simple black and white long sleeve t-shirt. Brooke thought it was cute, but she was afraid to try it on.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Brooke's hair was curly and unkept, while her face was still covered with marks and bruises. She couldn't help but to stare at her reflection longer than she should have.

Her body shook with anxiety. She looked at the shirt that she clutched tightly in her hands. She knew it was too small, but she didn't know what to do. Her breathing for heavy and Brendon knocked on the door.

"Everything okay in there?" Brendon asked.

"C-can you get Ryan really quick? I- I need his help." Brooke muttered, her face turning a bright crimson. Brendon muttered something that sounded like an 'okay' before his shoes patterned on the floor. After a while, he returned.

Ryan knuckles hit the door gently. "Brooke?"

"Y- yeah?" Ryan understood what was happening. It was clear in her voice that she was crying.

"Why don't you go look for more shirts Brendon?" Ryan said to Brendon. Brendon nodded and turned and left to walk around the store. Brooke opened the door for Ryan to come in, which he did. The room was able to fit a couple people. Ryan glanced over and saw that Brooke was sitting on the little chair that was in the room.

"What's wrong, princess?" Ryan asked.

"I- I can't do this." Brooke cried, covering her arms over her chest. The shirt laid on the chair next to her. "It- it won't fit and I know it."

"Have you tried it on?" Ryan replied. And after getting a head shake as a no, Ryan grabbed the shirt. "Come on, I bet it will fit you."

"What if it doesn't? People will look at me!" Brooke cried, her body trembling. Ryan grabbed her arm gently and helped her stand. He rubbing his thumbs over her eyes and whipped away the tears.

"I bet it will. Plus, its only me and that will look at you. I will not judge you. So how about you try it on?" Ryan coaxed.

"O-okay." Brooke replied. Ryan stepped out of the room and closed the door. She slipped off her shirt and replaced it with the other shirt. It was a little baggy on her, but overall it hugged her body slightly. The fabric was soft and warm.

She gently walked out of the room and see Ryan waiting. "See, I told you it would fit. It looks awesome." Ryan smiled. A small smiled cracked on Brookes face.

"Thank you Ryan." Brooke said, wrapping her arms around him slightly. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and kissed her on the head.

"Anytime princess."


I'm not dead surprisingly. Sorry about the late update.


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