(16) Mashed

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Hi yo Crazeeps!

I'm so so so so so sooooo sorry for updating quite... late? I got really busy with my academic and non-academic stuff right now and I also had no mood to write but yes, I'm still here.

Anyways, thank you for your amazing supports!

Enjoy 😊


"And then he literally threw the chalk at me!" Pry screamed, "Like, I also really wanted to throw my heavy-butt bag at him too!"

"Chill." I chuckled and continued eating my fries.

I looked down and listened silently as she complains about her 'little incident' with our gorgeous and ever-so-lovely Physics professor.

"Chill? You want me to chill?" She snarled out angrily, "Let him take the chill pill first and I'll calm down and chill-"


Pry stopped talking as her eyes moved to someone behind me. I followed her gaze and froze when I realized who it was, "Gilbert?"

I stood up and walked closer to him. His shock feature immediately transformed into his million-dollar smile, "I told you, it's Gil."

"Right, of course. Gil." I laughed awkwardly but stopped when I realized something. "What are you doing here?"

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and laughed, "I am the dean's son."

My eyes widened, "What-? Really?!"

He rolled his eyes, "No, I'm a criminal who wants you dead." He laughed, "What do you think?" I laughed with him, making us both laugh together.

"Excuse me." Pry muttered while standing up then walked towards us, "Hi, yes." She smiled at him, "I'm Pryla, her BFFAE a.k.a Best Friend Forever and Ever. And you are?"

His eyes widened before breaking into his gentleman smile, "Gilbert. Hey."

Gil offered her a hand, but in my shock, she only stared at it.

Gil eventually lowered his hand and rubbed it awkwardly beside his pants. "Well, I got to go. Dad's waiting for me."

"Yeah, of course." I chuckled before sitting down and wave at him. "Bye."

"I'll see you around, Riles." He winked at me before facing Pryla and smile at her, "Nice meeting."

She simply raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "How I wish I can say the same."

"Pryla!" I gasped out loud. She really isn't like this. She is a really friendly person, she may have her moments of monster attitude, but she's still really friendly. So you can imagine my shock when she actually said that.

"Well..." Gil smiled at her, "I also wish that your impression of me will change."

He faced me again and winked, "I'll see you around." And with that, he left us alone. Pryla eventually sat back down, making me gape at her.

"What?" She asked while taking a spoonful of mashed potato.

"What what?"

She raised an eyebrow, "What what what?"

I groaned, "What was that attitude of yours earlier?"

She rolled her eyes, "What? I don't like him."

"You don't even know him yet!" I said on his defense. Gil was a really nice guy, if he wasn't, then he shouldn't have helped me in the first place. "He's a nice guy."

"How would you know?" She eventually put the spoon down, "Besides, how did you two meet?"

"He offered me a ride home when I was walking alone after being drenched by the rain."

She raised an eyebrow, "You were walking home, alone, and under the rain?"

My eyes widened. Oh right, I haven't told her about what happened with me and that butthole yet.

Talking about that butthole, I have seen the butthole earlier, but I make sure that he wouldn't see me and even made sure that our path won't cross.

But putting that aside, I really had no plan on telling Pry about him or that incident anyways.

"I bought something and forgot to bring my umbrella." I muttered, "Anyways, you were really rude."

"I know."


"Whaaat?" She laughed, putting some hair strands behind her ears.

"That wasn't like you."

"What wasn't like me?"

I groaned, "Being rude."

"Oh." She winked at me mockingly, "I know."

"Why?" I laughed, "Why don't you like him?"

"I don't like his vibes, you know?"

"Nope." I shook my head, "No, I don't."

"That's the problem with you, Riles." She sighed, "You can't sense danger."

"Well..." I shrugged, "I can."

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't." I stopped, "Wait, what?"

She laughed as she picked up her bag and stood up, "I'm running late."

"Wait, Pryla!"

"See you around." She mocked by lowering her voice and doing the hand thingy Gil did earlier.

"Stop mocking me!"

She simply mockingly winked back before laughing loudly and left me alone at the table.

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