(29) Lexus

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Thank you thank you thank you so much for your continuous support. 😔 I'm moving to another country, heck another continent, thus the reason why I, well yes, haven't updated in a while.

It's almost the end oh my gosh, we're almost there 😍 I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH LIKE SO SO MUCH.

Enjoy 😊


Calculus is easy...

Calculus shows the beauty of mathematics and the well, the agony of learning mathematics.

Therefore Calculus for me is easy -to fail.

"Any more questions?" Gil, I mean Mr. Goñen, asked as he faced the class and putting the whiteboard marker down with a smile.

Uh yes. Like how did you get that from that?

As I was about to raise my hand and ask that question, the bell rang. Immediately, everyone grabbed their bags and left the room, as if the room was infected with a disease that was airborne.

Oh well.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, well supposed to. Jay had already held the strap of my bag when I was about to get it. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah," I chuckled non humorously, "Just a little bit tired."

He held my hand and gave it a light squeeze, "Is it the math?"

My eyes widened, "No, oh no." I chuckled lightly as we walked towards the door, "I think I'm just not feeling well..."

"Ms. Langston?"

I stopped, making Jay stop, and turned around. "Yes, Mr. Goñen?"

He gave me his charming smile, "You can still call me Gil, you know?"

Jay wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Nope. Mr. Goñen is just fine."

Gil raised an eyebrow, obviously amused by my boyfriend's reaction, but didn't bother to comment. Instead, he faced me and said, "Can you do me a favor?"

I smiled and gave him a nod, "Sure what is it-"

"-Depends." Jay cut me off while squeezing my shoulder again, "It depends, Mr. Goñen."

"Well Riley," He emphasized my name, "I spilled my coffee in my Lexus earlier..."

"You didn't!" I gasped as I felt my heart beating faster. "Please no!"

"I did." He chuckled awkwardly, "I was about to clean it, but I was running late so change of plans, I'm gonna clean it this dismissal, but then I have all these papers to check and I'm looking for this important paper and-"

"I can clean it up for you!" I offered enthusiastically, not caring if my head felt heavier. "It would be an honor!"

Jay frowned, "No it's not gonna be an honor-"

"That's great!" Gil grinned widely. He puts his hand in his pocket and took out a car key. "Here, you can give it back anytime."

As if he read my mind, Jay asked for me. "Anytime?"

"Mm-hmm." Gil smiled, "As payment for the labor, you can use my car and drive around the city."

"What?!" I gasped, "Really?!"

"Really." Then he chuckled nervously, "But there's a but."

"What is it?"

"Only you can be in the car." He pointed at Jay, "He can't."

"What? Why?" He asked, frowning as he pulled me closer to him.

"I just don't let anybody get in my car." He chuckled, "Like strangers."

But I was a stranger back then. I mean, that's how we met.

"I'm not a stranger." Jay frowned, "I'm your student."

"Still." This time, Gil looked really awkward. So to help him out, I squeezed Jay's hand and gave him a reassuring smile, "It's a Lexus, I get him."

Jay frowned but didn't say anything. I faced Gil and took the keys from his hand, "Thanks."

Instead of his normal charming smile, he gave me this smile I've never seen before. "No, thank you."


"Are you okay?" Jay asked through the loudspeaker of the phone, making me chuckle and put the tissue I was holding, down.

"I told you, I'm fine." I laughed, "I'm just cleaning the coffee stain."

"It's taking too long." Even though I cannot see him now, I can imagine him pouting like a baby.

"It is a stain after all." I snorted before spraying some water mixed with dish soap on the said stain. "I'm also arranging some of his paper works." I sighed, "Being a teacher, even as a temporary, isn't easy."

"Why?" He asked, "Just clean the stain, get out of the car, and go home with me. I'm missing my girlfriend right now."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not my fault if you want to poop." Yes, Jay went back to his house since he needed to give nature what she's asking.

"Hey..." He whined, "Nature was calling!"

"I know, I know." I chuckled but stopped when another pang of pain passed through my head. "Ugh..." I silently groaned.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah..." I lied through gritted teeth, "I gotta go."

"What? Riles-"

"I'm fine..." I cut him off before taking a deep breath. "... I just need to finish this."

The silence was his answer for a few moments before he eventually sighed. "Call me when you're done, okay?"


"I love you, Riles." Smiling, I rolled my eyes and said, "I love you more." before hanging up.

Picking up another piece of tissue, I sprayed more and wiped it with pressure. Not paying any attention, I didn't realize that I dropped the spray on the car's floor.

Groaning, I bent down and picked up the spray but stopped when I noticed a stack of papers with a visible red folded paper on the top of it. Because of pure curiosity, I opened it and almost had a heart attack.

It was a piece of paper with a picture on it... A picture of Gil, his father, his mother, and Hibiscus.

"Damn, I guess you found it." A sinister but familiar voice said from behind me.

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