(27) His

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Hey Crazeeps!

It's the 27th chapter and it seems like the tension is building up, like this is gonna be a long book, right? -Well I have news to say...

The Bad Boy Inside the White Suit is ending on it's 30th chapter with an epilogue.

It may or may not end in a cliffhanger, but whatever happens, the continuation will be in....... THE NEXT BOOK :D

I'm gonna need male singers or models or anything, same goes with the female ones.

THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING GUYS! I love you! Here's a chapter dedicated to each and every one of you!

Enjoy 😊


"What's happening?" I asked Jay silently as we walked towards his car. We're currently in the university's lot and are planning to grab a meal in Burger King.

"What?" He asked while putting an arm around me. "What do you mean?"

I looked down and muttered, "The missing people, Jay."

Suddenly, he was stiff and stopped walking, making me stop too. I looked up since he's taller than me, "Jay?"

He gulped, "Riles..." I frowned and raised an eyebrow, "What...?" He pursed his lips and sighed, "Let's talk in the car."

"Okay..." I muttered as we continued walking. His car came to view and we entered it. Once seated, I waited for his door to shut and immediately pestered him, "So?"

He turned on the engine and pulled out of the driveway. "What do you want to know?"

"The missing people, Jay." I told him, "Why are you killing them?"

"Not everyone." He muttered, "I sometimes arrest them if they don't pull out a gun..."


"...or a knife..."


"...or a blade..."


"...or a-"

I rolled my eyes and cut him off, "Or anything that us deadly, right?"

He smiled sheepishly at me, "Yeah... if they pulled out any weapons."

Sighing, I asked. "Why?"

"They're dangerous."

For all the brownie eating aliens sake; I know they're dangerous. It's a weapon for crying out loud!

I frowned at him, "I never knew you only have a maximum capacity of two when you are answering, Jay." I rolled my eyes from my sarcasm. "Explain."

He grabbed my left hand and squeezed it gently, "I can't..."

"Jay we talked about this-"

"It's confidential Riles..."

Sighing, I crossed my arms and pouted. "Well, can I at least have the general details?"

He sighed, "Some are drug lords, and some are a part of illegal shipping such as human trafficking"

"What?!" I gasped, "We're still in college! Aren't they too young?!"

He shook his head, "Crime has no age."

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