(34) Ekshplanation

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Whaaaat? Another updaaate?

Yosh ☺️

How's it going how's it going?

Waaah! I'm so excited about publishing the first chapter of the first book I'd be writing that is not connected with The Suit series for like, literally, years! I love the Langstons, I really do, but I'm pausing it for a while because my heart told me that I need to write this book that I got inspired by with Stranger Things -One thing's for sure, I don't think that my plot has something to do with the said series that much though 😂 I just got inspired.

PS, the book cover of the new book is the one above, and the title is, "The Girl Who Lost Her Car." and the somewhat description of the book itself is already in my profile, so if you guys are interested in another corny-funny, cheesy-romance, and major plot twists, please check it out 😄

A N N O U N C E M E N T !

This book is gonna end at its 35th chapter with an epilogue. -This means that the next chapter would be the last chapter than an additional part for the epilogue 😭❤️ I love you guys so much! Again, thank you for everything. I wouldn't have finished and haven't even written this book, well The Suit series books, without you guys. Mua mua!

Thank you for the votes, comments, support, and love peeps ❤️ You're pretty awesome, ya know that? 😍

Enjoy 😊


"I heard that Anaconda's son is bothering you." Mom spoke through the phone, "Don't worry, Langston is gonna be there and take care of him."

"Please hold dad back." I sighed, "Let Gil be. I have Jay here to protect me."

"Hill? This is not the right time to make weird metaphors about mountains, no, hills, young lady!"

"I'm not making weird metaphors," I'm not like dad. "but what I'm saying is that let Gil be. -Gil is the name of Anaconda's son."


"Yes mom, oh." I chuckled, "If anything happens, which I doubt, blame it on me. Just please, let the grudge against Gil go. I have."

"Oh hun." She gushed, "You're all grown up now."

"Yup." I smiled, "You're still older though."


I laughed. I was about to say something when my dorm room opened, revealing a very handsome young man named Jay.  "I gotta go, I'll see you soon!"

"Bye honey! Say hi to Jay for me."

"What? How did you-" Beep.

"Who was that?" He asked as he put the bags down and walked towards me.

"Mom." I shrugged, "What you got?"

"Popcorn, chocolates, and twinkie."

Oohhh. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"Oh my gosh!" I grinned as I ran towards the bags, "What what what-" I stopped as I realized something. Something smells fishy. "Wait... what's the catch?"

His eyes immediately widened. Gotcha. "What?"

"The catch, Emerson." I rolled my eyes, "Speak up."

He started snorting overdramatically, "There's no catch."

"And I'm not in love with you." I rolled my eyes, "Now. What's the catch?"

"There is no catch." He suddenly looked nervous, "But there is a..."


"Favor. I need a favor." He smiled at me sheepishly. Awww!

"What is this favor, my dear hot man?"

"You see." He coughed, "Remember the night you caught me wearing my white suit?"

"...The one where I saw you killing someone for the first time?" The one where I thought was an alien?

"Yeah..." He looked like a person in a very awkward conversation. Which he probably is. He did kill someone, that's a fact.

But killing for justice, and the point that he's the man I love. -No problem.

"What about it?" I asked, not hinting any further awkward tones.

"I was in a gala that time."

"A Gala."

"A party, Riles. A party."



"What about it?"

"The Gala was exclusive for all DAC agents. Thus the reason why I was there. It was almost midnight, we were having the entertainment program which is where a fellow agent performed a violin piece." He licked his lips, "That's when the shooting happened. We were under attack."


"The agent got shot. He luckily didn't lose his life, but he did lose his hand since the bullet went straight to his left wrist." He looked at the floor, "That agent lost the instrument he needs to do the thing that he loves." He looked at me, "These criminals, they ran away. -Unfortunately for them, they were attacking the wrong group of people. We attacked back. I got the chance to catch up with 2 or was it 5 of them, unfortunately, you were there too."

"...Why are you saying this?"

"Because I love you, Riley Langston." He held my chin up and made me look at him in the eyes, forcing me to see his pure sincerity. "And I don't want you to see me as a monster."

"What?" I chuckled, "You're not a monster."

"I am."

I threw my hands up, "Then what was the purpose of you telling that story, then?"

"I don't want you to see me as one though." He smiled, "You mean too much to me."


"You're oddly cheesy today, Mr. Emerson." I grinned, "Plus if you are a monster." I kissed his left cheek, "Then you're my monster."

He grinned.

"Oh by the way. There's something more." He cleared his throat, "We're having one of those Galas."

"Oh? That's cool." I smiled, "I can spend the whole evening watching Netflix."

He chuckled and shook his head, "You're coming with me. I mean, if that's fine with you."

"What?" Oh. "Okay, that's fine with me. When is it?"

His answer was the explanation to everything he brought, "Tonight."

The Bad Boy Inside the White Suit [BOOK 4]Where stories live. Discover now