(21) D.A.C. •1•

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Oh my gosh, it's been sooo looong 😱


I'm terribly sorry by the way, I got stuff to do the minute I landed back in my hometown and things to do the minute I landed back here in where I'm currently living in 😂

Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT. I just want you to know that every vote and comment meaaaans a looot to me so thank you! Even by simply reading this book 😂

Thanks and enjoy ☺️


I blew the hot coffee and shivered when a cold breeze passed by me. Jay may or may not have killed someone earlier.

His life is in danger, no, my life is in danger. All I've wanted to do was to buy that stupid protractor but now I find myself sitting in Jay Emerson's room. Again. The very same place I would really hate to be stuck in.

It's weird how the guilt of seeing something died is eating me inside out while Jay here is acting... normal. Nothing's normal, nothing! Someone died! The life just magically died in that person's body and Jay might be the cause of it!


Suddenly, a warm fluffy jacket was put around me, "Do you want some cookies? Donuts? Or a massage session by me? He laughed, "It's a once in a blue moon offer."

"N-no thanks," I muttered, taking a sip of the hot coffee from the warm cup.

"Do you want anything?" Jay asked, taking a seat right beside me on his sofa. "Anything?"

I put my mug down. "A bath would be useful." I don't have to look at what's currently on my clothes right now, smelling what I'm smelling right now is enough.

He took a sniff from me and chuckled, "Definitely."

"It's not funny." I frowned, putting the mug down.

"Well, you can use my bath over there and-"

That's it, I can't take it anymore. "How can you act like this?!"

"Act like what?"

"Like nothing happened!" I let my hands flew everywhere, "You killed something, Jay. Heck, I was almost killed back there!"

He sighed, "I killed someone, Riles. It's not a  thing or an alien. Start recognizing them as human beings." I froze.

"I killed someone, and that person I killed back there wasn't my first too." I gulped and felt like I was going to pass out any minute now.

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