Happy Thanksgiving

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It was Thanksgiving, a wonderful time of year to be thankful and enjoy time with family. The McMahon house was a bustle with activity, Linda was cooking dinner with Shane running random errands for her throughout the day. Vince was ordered by his wife to help along and he did. Dinner was just going to be Mr. and Mrs. McMahon, Shane, and Mr. and Mrs. Callaway. Stephanie and Mark hadn't shown up yet. It was almost six o'clock, dinnertime growing ever nearer.

"Shane, can you call Stephanie and ask where they are?" Linda asked.

"Sure, Mom." Shane replied.

He picked up the phone and he started dialing when Stephanie and Mark burst in. Steph looked frazzled and she held up a covered bowl.

"I didn't realize how late it was, sorry Mom." Steph said, with a sheepish smile.

"Desert or side dish?" Linda asked, drying her hands on a towel.

"Desert." Steph replied.

"Put it in the fridge if it needs it." Linda ordered.

"Got it." Steph said.

Linda looked at Mark who was just hanging around because he had no idea what to do.

"Go join Shane and Vince in the living room, alright? Two women in the kitchen are enough." Linda said.

Mark nodded and Linda re-entered the kitchen. Steph was preparing plates and silverware for a buffet style meal (a tradition) and Linda asked her to call the men in a few minutes later.

Steph nodded and walked to the door frame. "Come an' get 'er boys!" She yelled.

Linda looked at her with that "ladies shouldn't yell" look and Steph smiled. The guys walked in and gathered a plateful each from the nice selection, the turkey was cooked as a turkey should be, cranberry dressing sat on the counter and corn cobs sat next to butter, salt and pepper. Baked beans and deviled eggs sat next to each other as well as warm bread.

The gentlemen took a little of everything and after they moved on to the dining room the ladies came out with their food. The men were talking sports and Steph just laughed to herself, no matter who it was, they always talked football first.

"Steph, you know if you need help with accounting or anything in the office I can help, right?" Shane asked.

Steph smiled. "Yes, Shane, I know you can. But Alice, Don, Mark and myself have it covered."

"Just letting you know." Shane replied, cutting into his slices of meat.

Vince and Mark talked business for a while and then random conversations began.

"I was told not to tell what desert was, but she started working on it early, early this morning." Mark said, looking at Shane.

"Was?" Vince asked.

"Yeah, I decided I was too hungry to wait any longer." Mark replied.

"You're getting the evil eye." Shane laughed.

Mark looked at Steph-who was giving him the "Your going to be dead, soon" look-and he laughed. The conversation ended and Shane chose another topic.

"Last Thanksgiving she was going crazy because we had some more of the family coming, and some of the talent with their family. She ran around checking every little thing, making sure everything was clean, if anything got missed during the week, she was there fixing it." Shane commented.
"Really? She wasn't that fussy today." Mark replied.

"You haven't had to host thanksgiving yet." Vince said.

Mark nodded and the girls picked up a conversation.

"So, how's life?" Linda asked Steph.

"Crazy, it's been so busy. Luckily we've found some talented people who work wonders behind the scenes." Steph replied.

"That's good. You didn't keep on any of the people your father had hired?" Linda asked.
"Yes and no, some of them stayed, some of them were politely asked to leave. We have a timekeeper/talent manager with us now. She still needs to be trained in talent management but she's held up with timekeeping so far." Steph replied.

"She's moody, I ran into her the other day and dang, she almost bit my head off for not being ready." Shane commented.

"One of us will have to have a chat with her." Mark added in.

"Yeah, she needs some people skills work done, but other than that and some technology fresh ups, she'll do just fine." Steph finished.

"How old is she?" Vince asked.

"Selena? Oh, gosh, I don't know, she looks to be in her twenties somewhere." Steph said.
"Everyone done eating? Steph, can you help me clean up, so we can feast on desert?" Linda asked.

Mark's head snapped around so hard his braid snapped around his head, which ended up hitting him on the nose, which made everyone laugh. "I thought I said I finished it?"

Steph rolled her eyes. "Cut it out, I made it, I have the power to withhold it too."

Steph turned to enter the kitchen and she heard a soft: "Ow, way to go, Mark." behind her.

She laughed and Vince and Shane looked at her like she was crazy.

They brought desert out and Linda had made pumpkin pie, while Stephanie had made a layered pudding dish. It had a layer of crumb crust and then a layer of pudding which was followed by a layer of cool whip. Then another layer of crust, pudding and whip.

Steph opened the lid and looked surprised. "Hey! Someone has been into this!"

"Must've been a mouse." Mark commented.

"Looks like a neat scoop." Steph said suspiciously.

"You had to shower eventually."

Steph rolled her eyes and Shane perked up. "C'mon, Steph! Let's eat!"

Steph laughed and dished it up.


If there are any errors, I'm sorry, I'm so tired right now, I'm also sorry for ending it there. I won't pick up where I left off. I'll start at the nearest show or PPV, maybe. Kara has an idea and she's asleep so I decided to make a Thanksgiving chapter. I get giggly when I am this tired and that's why Mark was so random in this.

Goodnight ya'll! The Thanksgiving Turkey signing out until next year! (If I remember to change my name next year. XD)

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