Intermission (short)

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(Sometime in late April, and the only idea I have right now.)

"See you later, Steph, I ain't stickin' around for this sappy sh-Crap." Mark announced.

Steph laughed. They were trying to get into the habit of watching their mouths, and it wasn't a much of a problem for Steph, and Mark made an effort. A for effort, 'n all.

"Bye." Steph chortled.

He left and Steph took an extra five minutes to clam down. She'd decided to watch a romance movie and plan for her baby shower. She didn't feel like doing much, so it would be a slow afternoon. But whatever, right? Her baby still had a long way to go. So she could take her time. For now.


I think the next chapter will be skipping right to the birth. I'm on a burnout/writer's block mix right now. So I'm not sure when the next chapter will be.

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