Rebellion (Part 2)

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Kane rushed out of the back and DX-Mahon scattered. Stephanie scrambled to her feet and shouted at the regrouping DX-Mahon, she looked ready to go after them herself and Kane grabbed her before she had the chance to injure herself.

"You'll pay for this!" Vince shouted on the top of the ramp. "You'll all pay for this!"

"Let me go! They don't own us!" Stephanie snapped.
"Just relax, already. You've got the powers of Hell, remember?" Kane asked.

DX-Mahon returned to the back and Kane kept one hand wrapped around Steph's wrist and helped Undertaker to his feet.

"Thanks for keeping her here." Undertaker thanked Kane.
"No problem." Kane replied.

"And why does everyone think I'd hurt myself?" Steph asked while they returned to the backstage area.

"Because you're as stubborn as him." Kane replied.

Undertaker rolled his eyes and they entered the backstage area.

"I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?" Triple H asked Mark.

"No. Didn't feel a thing." Mark replied.

The boys went to the locker room chatting and Steph went to her office. She wasn't in need of a shower and she sat down. She could see out into the arena and watched the last match of the night happen below. Tomorrow would be busy, the day after that would be busy, but it would be enjoyable.


Sorry for the short chapter, it was much longer originally but I decided to split it into two chapters. The next chapter bomb shelled on me.

We'll see some familiar faces from the original in the next chapter. Also, there are going to be a pickup in chapters I'm pretty sure, I only have four weeks until Christmas, and I have to work on stories that are debuting in December and those will carry me 'til late January or early February. Excuse the rambling. I just needed to get some things out.

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