Seek and Destroy

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"Steph! Sis, what's wrong? You're white as a ghost! What do you have in that folder?" Shane asked.

Steph handed him the documents with a shaking hand and Shane paled when he realized they were official.

"Did Dad give you these to sign? He told me they were fake!" Shane gulped.

Steph tried to speak but instead of the answer Shane wanted she gave him this: "We need to find Mark. Dad's planning on having a restraining order placed!"

Shane nodded and they ran towards the locker rooms were Hunter and Mark were headed. They met Joan on the way and she was briefed while they were running. Glen and Big Show (Paul Wight) ended up joining them as well. When they got to the locker room security barred the door.

"I'm sorry, but miss McMahon has to stay out." one of the officers reported.

"Let him come to the door, we have over 1,000 pounds here spoiling for a fight." Steph snapped.

One of the officers nodded and someone called for Mark.

"What did your father ask you to sign?" Mark asked.

"A legal divorce paper. Your signature was forged." Steph answered.

"Mark! What did you sign recently?" Shane asked.

"Just contract renewals." Mark replied.

Shane cursed and Steph asked what was wrong.

"He must've signed my contract renewal, Dad would've had easy access to that." Shane replied.

"Officer, I never signed a restraining order." Steph said.

"Your father said you were being stalked and pictures were being taken of you in compromising places." an officer replied.

"Can I see them?" Steph asked.

The officer gave her a folder which held the photos. When Steph saw them she was angry.
"THAT SON OF A-Shane, look at these!" Steph snapped.

She handed them to Shane and Shane cursed as well.

"Officer, this was from a little over and year ago. These shots are staged." Shane replied.

"Staged? Do you mean to tell me, Mr. McMahon, gave us staged and old shots?" the officer replied.

"Yes! And that man is my husband!" Steph answered.

She held up her wedding ring and Mark held up his as well.

"See? The stones are the same and my name is carved in his." Steph said.

"And mine in her's." Mark replied.

"Take them off, let me see." the officer said.

They handed the officer their wedding bands and he looked them over.

"Let her through. Mrs. Callaway is right. They are married." the officer said, handing the rings back to their owners.

"What about Vince?" Steph asked.

"We'll handle it. Where is he?"

Joan had disappeared and she'd returned. "Steph, I have bad news."

"What is it?" Steph asked.

"Vince's disappeared and his limo is missing." Joan replied.

"Crap." Steph muttered.

* * *

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?"

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