Elastic Heart Music Video

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This video is nearly two years old, but now that I've bothered to watch it all the way through, I see several things wrong with it. Maybe I sexualize things too much or maybe I'm seeing things I shouldn't be seeing, but whatever it is, it isn't pleasant.
I'm extremely disturbed by this video. I have only heard one song by Sia, which is You're Never Fully Dressed from the Annie soundtrack (which I've never seen), so I don't know what style she has or what she likes to incorporate in her music videos, but I find this completely disturbing and should have never been made.
First of all, he is a grown man and Maddie was a little girl at the time, and even now it still wouldn't be okay. I don't watch Dance Moms because the instructor is a fucking bitch and I hate dancing, so I don't know this girl, but I know one thing. This video is completely taking advantage of her and it's gross.
I know, don't give me the "it's not sexual, you just have a dirty mind!" speech. Yeah, I sexualize a lot of things. I see tits in electrical sockets, for Christ's sake. But I know I'm not just making shit up. Lots of people are disgusted by this video.
Some say the hidden message is about a toxic father-daughter relationship, and the cage represents the trouble and toxicity they're trapped in. When she slips out of the bars, he's stuck inside and she goes free, but she tries to pull him through. I'm not sure what the fuck is going on here.
People keep saying this is art. Bitch where?! I don't see art, I see a grown ass man with his hands all over a young girl. And these are the same types of people who think nude Greek art is "inappropriate." Between the two, I'd say this video is a lot more inappropriate than a naked sculpted statue.
I don't know, I see a lot wrong with this. Maybe because I grew up with the thought of sexualization and men and children don't mix. My mom has this weird thing where children should not be left alone with a man, it doesn't matter if it's a family member. I don't really get it, but whatever. I don't think my views stemmed from that, I just hate the way this looks.
And where is her mother? How can a mother approve of this? Maybe it's just my mother, but I wouldn't let my kid, boy or girl, do that. Am I being sexist here? Actually every man I know is loving and isn't a fucking child molester, but I still don't like this.
Could the cage represent a jail cell? Is the daughter finally free from him? I doubt this was what Sia was going for. I heard she herself actually apologized for this video after she got so much backlash and hate over it.
I don't exactly hate the video, I just hate the way it looks. I could've done without so much touchy-feely crap. I can see why people view this as art, but I think it was a cheaply-made video with lots of child groping.
There are two sides to society when it comes to a video like this:
1) We have sexualized things so much that we are seeing something gross out of something innocent, so shame on me!
2) This is gross and shouldn't have been made, let alone posted online.
I think I'm reading too much into it, but it kind of rubs me (no pun intended) the wrong way. I'm sure he's not an actual child molester, but I find this incredibly disturbing to my soul.
Think whatever you want of it, I don't care, I just see it in a sexual way. The world went nuts over this when it was released, so I'm not the only "perverted" one out here thinking that this is weird.
Many were calling him a child molester, which I won't go that far as to say that. I just find it weird and incredibly disturbing to see her sitting on his shoulders like that and his hands all over her body.
Greek art is beautiful, this is not. I don't understand how one can find this video beautiful or empowering. It does have some emotional appeal to it because for some it tells a story or means something to them deep inside, but I can't get past the touching to see anything deeper.
Maybe I need to pull my head out of the gutter or just stop seeing dirty things in everyday life, but I get a bad feeling from this. It was definitely the touching that did it for me.
It was very uncomfortable for me to watch, and I won't see it again.
But it's over now. It was almost two years ago, everyone has moved on. Sia went on to make more music, Maddie is still dancing I think, and everything blew over. The craze and rage is over about this video, although there are still some people losing their minds in the comments.
I still say it's wrong, but it is what it is. Whatever.
What do you see in this video? Is it sexual or is it something beautiful? Why?
It's just nonsense to me.
First chapter done!
Sierra 🌙

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