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Wow, no update in almost a week. Quite a lot has happened in the past few days. I don't know if it's the withdrawal of my medication, but I'm having trouble remembering things. My brain is very cloudy sometimes, or maybe it's going into information overload that I can't remember everything. Whatever it is, it's really bugging me.
But hey, it's been almost three weeks since I've been off that medication and I'm going strong! I didn't have a serious withdrawal, like lack of sleep or shakiness, as I thought I did. It still baffles me that I quit cold turkey and never looked back.
I'm sleeping a lot better, and you won't believe how my moods have changed. I don't always wanna strangle someone every moment of the day. I did pass my two-week trial and error without issue, so I guess I'm off that medication for good!
However, when a good door opens, another one slams shut. Sunday night, we found out one of my great uncles had a heart attack. He's alive, but he was in the ICU in the hospital of his hometown, which sucks because it's a very small town and good doctors are scarce and the hospital sucks.
He is being transported to the city where my other great uncle, the one I stayed with over the summer, lives because they have better hospitals and doctors. His blood pressure is still high and they are having trouble getting it down to normal.
He had been complaining of chest pains two days before, but he didn't do anything about it. He's 73 years old and should be well retired, but he has houses that he rents out, and because he's the landlord, he is responsible for all repairs, from painting the houses to fixing a leak.
Everyone was on his ass about doing this. He's too old and already has a heart condition. His kids were hounding him and my mom kept warning him about doing too much. In the summer, it gets scorching hot in his town. And he's out there doing repair work everyday. Just because it's almost winter and we're having a cold spur does not mean it's okay to overwork himself.
If he sells those houses for good, he'd have all the money to set him for the rest of his life. I'm not sure what he's doing here, but he's very stubborn.
He had his heart pains but didn't get them checked out, and he had a heart attack that nearly killed him. The entire family flips out. My mom called his daughter (who she doesn't like) and asked if he was alright. He's okay, but his wife is sitting there, while the poor man just had a heart attack, blaming him for his heart attack.
What the fuck? I know, he should've listened to us and should have quit repairing houses and just enjoyed the rest of his life that could've been cut short, but he's still in the fucking hospital. Don't give him another one with your bitching and moaning, you fucking whining cow!
Then she blamed the ex-wife for making him do all these repairs for her house, but he wasn't working on her house, he was working on someone else's house. That shut her up good. All the women in our family are like this, save for a few. They bitch and moan and try to find someone to point fingers at so they have a scapegoat. And the women who aren't like that are married into the family. It's in the blood and the genes.
Well, we were supposed to drive up there tomorrow to see him, but I literally just got word a few minutes ago that he's getting out of the hospital tomorrow, so we don't have to go. When I started writing this, I thought we were going, but we aren't. I'm kinda glad. I don't think I can sit around with the family members I hate as they glare at each other and spit lies and accusations.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be more than happy to make a trip out there to see him when he's sick, but now that I don't have to, it's a load off my back. I have homework to do and projects to finish, I cannot take two days off without homework. My graduation program starts in January, I'm not messing this up.
I actually had anxiety about going to see them because of the way they act. They like to hug and pretend like everything wrong they did in the past never happened.
Yesterday, we went to Kohls for our first huge Christmas shopping spree. Mom said we were only going for a few things, and we came out with over $500 worth of stuff. This is why you can't take my mom shopping.
Kay wanted a fucking American Girl doll for Christmas, and they actually had the Girl of the Year there, so we got that plus the doll's pajama set. That's all the fuck she gets. Her grandma can get her the other one she wanted. Here's the creepy ass doll.

I found one of the games I wanted called Smart Ass but Mom said I have to wrap it up for Christmas

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I found one of the games I wanted called Smart Ass but Mom said I have to wrap it up for Christmas. But I got cute Stitch slippers and an AC/DC shirt, so it's all good.

 But I got cute Stitch slippers and an AC/DC shirt, so it's all good

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My cousins got a whole bunch of expensive ass clothes too. They added up to the 500 we spent. They don't even deserve some of this crap. They're ungrateful little shits, even my mom said so. They got video games from her, too, for game systems they're not worthy enough to have.
This Christmas is sucking us dry. I rearranged the gifts under the tree last night and realized how many there are. We aren't even done! What the fuck? I think I have four or so, but one is my Surface Pro, so I'm definitely not complaining, unlike the other little shits who whine and complain that they got clothes.
Anyway, how's your holiday season going?
Sierra 🌙

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