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For the Divergent fans out there, listen up! We Can be Mended has been sent off to the people who ordered it. I did not order it, but thanks to sweet fellow fans, I know how it ends, and I'm personally pleased with it.
However, there are some people out there who find my opinion atrocious. They're going to kick and scream and yell. I've seen a few say that they don't like the ending. That's fine, they're just stating their opinion. But here's the thing.
When Allegiant was released a few years back, the fandom went nuts. Veronica Roth, the author of the series, got death threats from fans who hated the ending. Yes, literal death threats. She was scared to leave her house because of this. She cried, too.
So I'm saying now, to all the ungrateful little shits out there who say they hate Veronica Roth and may go so far as to send threats to her, fucking stop before you even start. It's okay to say you don't like it or hate the book itself, but saying you hate her, the woman who spent years of her life writing these books for you, is just wrong.
You may be very upset with her, but that doesn't give you any rights to send her death threats or say you hate her. Hate the book, hate what she wrote, but do not hate her. She didn't do anything to harm you. She wrote what she wanted and that's that. It is never okay to send threats or start yelling at her.
She was sweet enough to send you a free copy with her new book, and you had better damn appreciate it. I don't give a fuck if you wanna set it on fire. You be thankful you didn't have to pay for it. Be thankful she even wrote it for you. You were all whining about Allegiant, now you have more closure, so shut up.
It may not have been what you wanted or what you thought you were getting, but tough shit. Life doesn't always go your way. If it wasn't the type of ending I wanted, I'd move on and still appreciate what she did for us.
There is no reason to ever send a threat to her. She did what she loved, let her have that! Telling her you want to kill her is wrong and disgusting. I would never tell anyone that, let alone an author, whom I love dearly. Don't be an ungrateful fuck.
Ever open a gift and it's not what you wanted? Well this is it, you didn't get the gift you wanted. Tough shit.
I love the ending, and I hope others do, too. I hope they appreciate her work and what she was sweet enough to give. Maybe one day I'll get my hands on a copy, but for now, I'm perfectly fine with the closure I have.
I know I'm being hostile, but I don't want a repeat of what happened with Allegiant. Because for all I know, it could be worse this time, and that's the last thing I want.
So be grateful. She didn't have to write this, and she certainly didn't have to give it to you for free. Don't take your hate and anger out on her. Just be grateful and move on.
Sierra 🌙

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