The Grand Finale!

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November 26th, 2017
It's time to say goodbye to yet another book in this series. The years keep flying by. 2014, 2015, 2016, and now 2017. I snapped my fingers and here I am.

It has been a year since I started this book. I see I only took up 80 chapters out of 200, but I think it's because I've been crazy busy and I'm on the road to recover, so I'm not always angry and needing to blow off steam. But I still need this. Sometimes it becomes too much to handle. Sometimes I just have random thoughts. Sometimes I have things to brag about. That's what this is for.

A lot happened to me this past year. I'm happy I was able to document it and share it with the world. I get to look back at all this and laugh and cry. I look at all the stupid things I did, and all the great things I did. I'm only human.

I think some of my readers got up and left, but for those who stayed, thank you. I do it more for myself, as therapy, but I appreciate anyone who reads and comes back for more.

I'm excited to begin Rant Time 4 today. Four. Four books. Four years. I'm growing a lot as a person, but some things remain the same.

Well, this is it. This book is over. Rant Time 3 has come to an end. I really don't wanna see it go, but I've gotta move on. Who the hell knows will be in the next book. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, let alone a month or two in the future. Maybe I'll need it even more, or even less. Whatever happens, I hope it goes out with a bang, and I hope I learn and grow as the months pass.

I think I feel a little more complete now that this book is done.

That's a wrap!
Sierra 🌙

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