Forbidden Alternate Ending

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After reading through Forbidden once more to edit and print, I realized how cliché the epilogue seemed, so I'm going to write an alternate ending/epilogue to it. And I'm also using it as an excuse to write more because I miss it more than anything right now.
It's been completed for nearly a year, but I want to go back because I don't feel like I properly said goodbye to it as I should have. I kind of rushed because I was so excited to finish it, but now I want to write a bit more. I may even add some more into it, kind of like and "after the epilogue" thing.
I'm leaving the current ending up but will be going to back to write the alternate. I feel like it needed more closure than I gave it, and I've thought of a better way to end it. If I do end up publishing it into an actual book, I'll be using the alternate ending as the "real" ending because I like it better.
I haven't written it yet, but I have it already planned out and will probably begin tonight. I just miss my characters too much.
For everyone who's already finished reading Forbidden or is still reading it, stick around, because it's not over yet. I have one last thing coming.
And maybe, if the ending is good enough, I'll add a sequel. ;) No promises though. I miss them all so much, and that's why I'm doing this. Later on, near summer break, I may start a poll and ask if anyone would like to read a sequel to Forbidden. If you would like a second book in the series, let me know! If I do start a second one, it will start off from the alternate ending.
Sorry to the Ava/Adam ship.
As for A World Awakening, I'm still writing it, just having some trouble. I'm still developing my characters. This book is going to be longer than Forbidden, and I hope to complete it before summer break ends in August.
Will you read the alternate ending?
My mom wants to go on a cruise to Alaska in May. She's about 80% sure we're going, we just have to save up for the plane tickets to Seattle to get on the ship. So there's that.
Sierra 🌙

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