I Got a Kitten

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This weekend was fun. I just unintentionally adopted my neighbor's kitten.
Backstory: My neighbor, who is a paramedic and takes care of his 85-year-old mother full-time, found a kitten laying on his mom one day. He decided to keep her. Well, since he's gone overnight sometimes, he has his sisters take care of Smitty (the cat) and his mom. One of the sisters let Smitty out and she ran off for 6 days. I found her in my garage last night, but her previous owner wasn't home, so I brought her in.
We had no intention of keeping her because she wasn't ours. My mom texted our neighbor saying that we have his cat. He called this afternoon and was wary. He said he's afraid she may be pregnant (I don't think so, and we're getting her fixed), and he hinted that he can't keep her because of his work, mom, and shitty sisters. My mom offered to keep her. He said yes. And ta-da, we now have a new kitten as of today!
I don't blame him, really. Usually I'd be mad that someone just pawned their pet over, but since I know him and his situation, I understand. His mom is expensive to care for as it is, and since he works overnight, his sisters are in charge at that time, and it's a disaster because they hate Smitty. He was a bit upset that he had to hand her over, but I think he knows it's for the best.
Smitty is very lovable, unlike my other cats I had. She loves to knead my skin (and it hurts because of her claws) and sleeps by my head on my pillow. I'm no longer allergic, apparently, so that's good. I just need to get my dogs used to her because they HATE each other. She can't be trapped in my room forever. And honestly, she doesn't let me sleep at all. She slept in my bed last night.
But I love her. She rubs her head on mine and must think my hair is tinsel or something, because she swats at it. Probably because it's shiny and blue.
She's still a kitten, I think, so she's extremely playful. One of my previous cats was also a tabby, and I swear Smitty is a replica.
Here's Smitty:

 Here's Smitty:

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I love her

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I love her.
So that's the story on how I unintentionally adopted my neighbor's cat. I have a kitty!
Birthday Countdown: 3 days.
Sierra 🌙

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