Hurricane Harvey

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To all the residents of Texas, especially in Corpus Christi or anywhere around there, be prepared and stay safe. Hurricane Harvey is an evil fucker coming toward us. I'm not sure what my city will be getting so far, but we've already gotten a shit ton of rain and gusts of wind. I went to several grocery stores for extra bottled water and they were all out. I was able to snag some tonight at the store next to the daycare, as it was midnight and they were just stocking. Their shelves are completely empty and there's literally nothing left.
My work closed up early today (guess who had to close) and we are closed completely this entire weekend. Schools are shut down until further notice. All stores are closing up for the storm. Everyone is freaking out and acting like this is an apocalypse. Who knows what the fuck is gonna happen. It's between a category 3 and 4 hurricane and we're pretty fucked. It's heading our way now.
There's not much we can do right now except hope for the best and stay indoors. My city didn't call for a mandatory evacuation like others. I'm keeping my pets inside and charging up my portable chargers to salvage battery. Hopefully I sleep through this. I hope we'll be okay. I've survived two huge hurricanes bigger than this, but each one brings its own disaster.
Amazon has already contacted me and said all my packages are delayed due to natural disaster. Even Amazon is perfectly aware that we are royally fucked.
Stay safe out there. This should pass. But who knows what it will leave behind.
Sierra 🌙

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