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Holy shit, it's been almost 2 weeks since I updated. I've had to put some things aside for now due to a shitload of work and school, but that being said, I've got a lot of shit to vent about.
I have been working at the daycare for exactly 2 weeks, and I have had it up to the sun with these people. I now understand my mom's frustration when she comes home and bitches everyday. I work anywhere between 5-8 hours a day, 4-6 days a week, and it kills. It's not so much the physically demanding part (tons of walking and running, picking up kids, lifting, etc.), it's the mental part that drives me up the wall and makes me want to slap someone until they bleed.
I thought my family was as dramatic as my life could ever get, but I was wrong. It took working with a dozen other females for 2 weeks to truly understand drama. Some of it is so bad that I don't even want to think about it, let alone talk about it. It got so bad to the point of me walking out at the end of my shift one night crying my eyes out.
My mom's best friend, G, was the one who made me cry. She's had a horrible life since birth. She's seen war and people getting murdered, and just because she now lives in a first-world country doesn't mean shit hasn't happened. Her daughter hates her and loves to use her for money, and she's just overall lonely. My mom and I are all she has.
I know G has mental health issues, so I try my ass off to be as understanding as I can about her past, but she really pushed me over the limit last Friday. She snapped at me several times and gave me demands like I'm not human.
She told me before that she is naturally sarcastic and blunt and she'll let me know when she actually means it, but at this point, I couldn't tell. I didn't care. I hated the way she was being towards me and my mom at that time, and she really got me good.
One thing this job has taught me is self-restraint. The kids test my patience, and my coworkers, too. I'm not quite to the point of being able to calm myself when I'm so angry and irritated, but it's working. But guess what. It didn't work this time.
I got so upset that I grabbed my bag, clocked out, and got in the car to wait for my mom. I cried right there. My mom asked if she should go in there and lose it on G. I said I'd handle it, but she still went back in and did it anyway. I could see through the window that G was sorry and upset.
We left it at that. We went Sunday and she wasn't there. It was an easy day. I did my inspection, went to the 99 Cents Store (didn't wanna leave because I loved it) for bibs and plates, and played with the kids.
We came back yesterday and G was there. They'd had a meeting earlier that morning about her behavior. She realized that she's in the wrong and knows she has to change, so we all made up. She hugged me and apologized for upsetting me. I forgave her but told her I'd slap the shit out of her if she did it again. She said, "Good. I need it."
All is well now, but now we have the parents and kids that are constantly up my asshole. And my stupid coworkers as well.
We have this one foster mother of a baby who's in cahoots with the director that quit. She's opening up a home daycare, so this mom is trying to get us in trouble for "firing" her friend. SHE FUCKING QUIT. SHE LITERALLY WALKED OUT AND NEVER CAME BACK.
But I digress. Her foster child is five months old. This woman has chilled out after we threatened to kick her out for false accusations and just being a cunt, but still. I'm still watching out. I can't afford to slip up, so I'm having to kiss her ass.
First she said that we "lost" the tube that eliminates gas in one of the baby's bottles. That wasn't true. She threw a fit at the front desk, so the owner offered her thirty dollars for the two "damaged" bottles, because they are fairly expensive. She said no and threatened to call the state on us over it. We were going to throw her out but she said she wouldn't call if we let her stay.
Okay. We have to do what we need to to keep the state away. So we let her stay. And surprise, the two bottles that were "damaged" showed up the next day in her bag, completely unharmed. That one that we supposedly lost the tube from had the tube inside. These were not new bottles. What a fucking lying cunt.
I'm still having to kiss ass by giving her everything she wants so we don't get in trouble and lose money. I am a personal servant to these people and it sucks.
We had to call CPS on this one mother whose baby was bleeding from severe, scaly eczema that almost literally killed him. She is also a stupid cunt who shouldn't ever have kids in her custody. I also am forced to be nice to her even though I just wanna grab her by her hair across the front desk and beat her to death.
Now for my coworkers. Shit. Before I shit all over them, let me just say that I adore most of them. While they do have their dumb moments (as do I), some are very good with the kids and make sure their rooms are clean before they leave for the day.
The only room I ever have a problem with is the baby room. I always go in there every single day when I walk in and before I walk out to make sure it's up to code. Of course, some bottles are not labeled and the room isn't clean, and there are no fucking electrical covers on the sockets. Now I have to bring this to the owner's attention and get dirty looks from my coworkers who were in there before. But they know now that I was only protecting them from getting their asses written up, and we all do get along. I may have had to get onto them several times, but that room is as clean as ever.
One of the best workers we have is in high school as well, and she does so much better with the kids than anyone. I appreciate her more than anyone else there. She can be snippy with me but she can snap all she wants, I'll still like her.
I wish I could say the same for all my coworkers. Some just hang around and drive me nuts. I got stuck watching four babies because they all wanted to scurry out the door at 7:30 pm. I understand that they have places to be at certain times, but shit, I can't be in a room alone because I don't have my first aid certificate yet. But whatever, let Sierra deal with four little babies all by her fucking self. It doesn't matter that we can get written up. Right?
I have to admit, it wasn't that bad. I mean, changing two shitty diapers and reeking of formula at the end of the day reaffirmed my decision to not breed, but still, not bad. I have a hard time with the older kids because they hate me, so I'm better off with the tiny shit machines.
I wouldn't mind being in a room with the kids if they fucking asked me first. And if they ask, they give me a bullshit time frame.
10 minutes turns into 30. 30 turns into an hour. When they say 10 minutes, I wanna be out in 10 minutes. I was not hired to watch the kids all the time, I was hired as a gofer who runs errands, does paperwork, sorts files, works the front desk, and makes sure everything is up to code and bring it to the owner's attention if it isn't so someone can get yelled at. I'm basically hired for anything but watching kids.
So why the fuck do I get stuck every fucking day?
Whatever the reasons are, I go with it, because no matter how stressed I am when I crawl home at 11 pm and no matter how many times I wanna rip my hair out, I love what I do and most of my coworkers. I love being able to see the kids enjoy themselves. I love working and earning a living for myself instead of asking my mom to buy me things. Sure, when I wake up and realize I have to go to work, I groan, but it's definitely worth it.
Plus, I come home and my aunt gives me shit and tells me that I don't actually work. Honey, my $400 on my shelf and the blisters on my feet say otherwise. When I see my paycheck at the end of the week, I smile and realize I'm growing into an adult.
Of course I'm tired as hell, but those kids are my paycheck. I'll kiss their parents' asses as much as I have to for my money.
That is all.
Sierra 🌙

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