Happy Birthday, Justine!

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Happy 17th birthday to the best friend ever, I-am-insane!
17. . .holy shit! That's getting close to 20! I feel a lot older now that I think back to when we first became friends several years ago. We were just little kids then! It's amazing.
I know I'm crazy as hell, but you somehow managed to deal with me. Thanks for being supportive through everything, even though we don't speak as much. We aren't kids anymore and that's goddamn scary, but it's the way it goes. We're young adults going through shit, up and down, but I hope you make it out. You deserve it. You've always been a great friend to me.
You're smart and I know you'll go far no matter what happens in life, no matter what paths you take or what obstacles come your way. You'll make it. I can promise that.
Happy 17th birthday and many more to come! 💙💙🐼
Sierra 🌙❤

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