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It's 3 in the morning and my mom went to the emergency room. She's been having pains in her kidney and back area for the past two days, and she woke up in severe pain around 2:30. I convinced her to go the ER, and my aunt took her.
I'm home alone in an empty house in the middle of the night with an alarm system and my dogs as my only protection. I'm trying not to cry right now. I'm tired but I can't sleep because I need to protect the house, and because I'm too worried.
My mom said she'd be back soon, but how can I count on it? I'll take her word because I trust her more than anyone.
My aunt will call me if they hear anything. There is something wrong with my mom and I can't do anything to help.
I just want my mommy to be okay.
Sierra 🌙

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