Childish Coworker|Rant Time

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Apparently I work with children that are, in fact, not children. While most of my small crew of coworkers (5, not including my mother) get along okay--aside for two, but they're related, so that's an issue in itself--but there's one that has to start drama everyday.

I understand that she's sensitive and things piss her off. I understand that she has family in a different (third world) country and it's stressful for her. But it's not okay to get pissed off every time something doesn't go her way or, god fucking forbid, she can't get everything she wants when she wants it.

This particular coworker, who I shall call Whiner, because she whines, jumps conclusions. I've found this out after dealing with her complaints and anger towards me, myself.

This is the first time she's ever gotten mad at me directly, and it was for something I didn't intentionally do. So I've started a new and exciting project for the daycare that includes something I love; photography. I whipped out my brand new Nikon Coolpix camera (1000% recommend for beginners) and took it to work so I could take pictures of the kids, frame them, and hang them on this one long, bare wall for the parents to see.

It was going just fine. I had taken so many great fall photos and some of the kids in their natural habitat and had them developed. I framed some of them and spent so much time hanging and positioning them on the wall to look perfect. I'm not even 1/3 ways done yet. There's still a lot more effort (and money) to go into this project and it's coming along great. It looks so cool.

I'm still taking pictures and getting them developed. I don't expect to be done with this until another week or so. It's a long process that takes a lot of precision and timing and effort. I don't mind it, because I'm having fun doing it.

There's just one problem. I don't see this as a problem myself, but Whiner sure does.
As I was hammering some nails into the wall (accidentally put huge holes in the wall, oops), Whiner strolls along on her way out the door. She sees my basket full of framed photos and stops to look at them.

It should be noted that she likes to poke around in other people's things without permission and take it upon herself to do things no one wants her to do.

She gets upset. I'm confused as to why she's freaking out and mumbling something angrily to herself. So I'm up on the ladder with a huge hammer in my hand, looking confused as hell. What is going on? What the fuck is she mad about? What did I do to warrant this pissy attitude?

TiTi, my work partner in crime, is peeking out of her door, which is right next to where I'm putting the photos up, to see what's going on. She's had a bad history with Whiner so she's trying to see what her problem is now.
My mom hears the raging commotion. Since she's currently in charge of running this hellhole, she calls Whiner to the front to see what the problem is. All down the hall, all I can hear is, "It's not right! Why am I not on wall?! Am I not an employee here?!"

TiTi's jaw is on the floor. She's holding the kids and just staring, mouth agape, at this scene. Meanwhile I'm still up on the ladder next to her wondering what the fuck she's pissed about. Then I realize: I didn't take pictures of her.

She took this to heart. I did not mean to not take a photo of her. I just went around with my camera snapping photos. I didn't really give a shit who was in it. They were supposed to be naturals, ones that capture what everyone does around here everyday (most were ugly as hell but that's not the point), not all posed and weird.

Sure, I did take some of TiTi with her class and the babies, because I'm with her all the time. It's easy to capture her because she's always around. And I did put all of them on the wall, because they were naturals. It's not because I like her more or that she's more photogenic, it's because I caught her the most. That's it. It's not about the employees, it's about the kids.

My own mother will not be on the wall because she's in charge. She does desk work instead of being with the kids. So she's not on the wall. I, the person who spent her time and money on this entire project, will not even be on the wall. I'm with the kids but I'm not letting other people take pictures of me because it's my project.

I'm not sure what the hell Whiner is getting so angry about. It's clear that I'm not finished. The wall is still very naked. My mom explained that to her several times but she doesn't get it. She doesn't get that this wasn't intentional and I'm not finished with this. I did not think, "Haha, I'm not gonna take a picture of Whiner so I can make her miserable!"

She works the baby room. I don't go back there. So how will I take a picture of her in the natural if I'm not back there. I know that I will have to go back there to please her with a photo, but why? I like her just fine--sometimes--but what if I didn't? This is my project. I know I sound very selfish, but why the fuck can't I take photos of whoever I want? It's my time and money going into this. Why should I feel the need to go around taking pictures to please everyone? I hope they have 30 cents plus the money for the frame.

I'm doing this to be nice. Not because I have to.

But wait! There's more.

Whiner decides she's mad at me. . .so she'll take it out on everyone else. She's currently giving TiTi the silent treatment (good god, it's been FIVE FUCKING DAYS), I assume because her pictures are on the wall and not hers, and she's being rude to everyone else. She's causing drama left and right. Because of a picture.

And the one thing she loves to point about me is my acne. Yes, I know I have it. It's not horrible, but it's noticeable when you're close to me. But she loves to (not literally) poke at it, like this is something I don't know. I'm aware I have acne. I'm aware that I'm a teenager and my hormones are weird and I have oily skin. I'm aware that I'm very self-conscious about it. That's why I get really embarrassed when people bring it up.

She decided to bring it up twice in one day. Today. "You're breaking out! You should go to the doctor!"

She said this in front of a parent. Really loudly. I don't give a shit if she said it in front of my coworkers, because they know me, but it's really humiliating when she talks about personal issues in front of parents and their kids.

I don't know if she's aware that I really don't care how pissed off she is. Doing this shit doesn't grant you what you want. I don't care that she's mad. I just hate when people bring up my personal things. I ignored her about the acne thing. I can't take this shit. I need to stand up to her.

I don't know if the personal jabs at me are because she's feeling spiteful towards me about a goddamn photo, but I don't care. It's not appropriate. There's no telling why she acts this way. Either she starts acting like a mature adult and leaves me the fuck alone, or her photo gets tossed out in the dumpster behind the building.

The reason I like my other coworkers more than I like her is because they treat me right. They actually treat me like I'm human. If they make a personal jab at me, they're being playful, not because they're angry at me for such a childish reason. She's not aware that I'm at a personal level with my coworkers and not her because they're not sensitive and insensitive at the same fucking time.

She is mad at the wrong person. If someone has an issue with me, don't channel it through other people. They need to speak to me in an assertive manner about their problem, not be passive-aggressive to other people about something that has nothing to do with them.

My mom describes Whiner as "not a team player." It's true. And she wonders why the hell we go out for dinner and do fun things without her.

Maybe not be such a bitch and let people get to you all the time. How 'bout that.

In short, she's being very childish. And I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my own project. If she doesn't end up on the wall, oh fucking well. Not my problem. She better grow up before the rest of those pictures go up.

But hey, the wall looks nice.
Sierra 🌙

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