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No, not the show.
I'm sitting here, at three in the morning, watching my cat freak the fuck out and staring at shit on my ceiling and directly behind me at something that is not there.
At first I thought she was getting freaked out or curious about a paper picture I have tacked on my wall because the end is falling and it's kind flappy, but then she started frantically looking up around my bare ceiling and flipping her shit.
Then she sat on my pillow and looked directly behind me over my shoulder, and her eyes got super wide and she just stared. I wouldn't be so freaked out if this was one time, but she's always looked behind me since I got her. I can tell because I follow her gaze and it leads to whatever's behind me. She also meows like crazy whenever I leave her alone in the back where I sleep.
But there's nothing behind me but a bare headboard. This is the first time she's actually gone crazy over something that isn't there, or maybe it is there but I just can't see it.
I have always believe in ghost and demons. Still do. It sounds absolutely insane, but my house is fucking haunted and no one wants to go in my aunt's room that she refuses to sleep in. That room is next to mine and I share a wall with it. And I swear to shit, I hear scratching on the walls sometimes and things falling and moving around.
When I exit my room and I'm standing close to the door, my chest actually tightens and I freeze. I want to move but I'm stuck. It's a feeling of sorrow and fear at that one moment, but once I can move, I'm gone and it fades out. Until the next time. It doesn't happen every single time, but enough times to get chills and sadness from it.
The hallway is always dark and I hate having to leave my room to go piss or get a snack if I get hungry. I don't wanna walk back, because then I face the room and the door is always open. I'm scared I'll walk back in the darkness and see something that shouldn't be there.
Sometimes I just lie in bed, TV turned down, no music. Just me. And I can hear it. I'd blame it on my Schizophrenia but I can't. My mom hears it too. I can't see them, but I know they're fucking there.
Is my cat seeing something I can't? Whatever it is, I don't wanna see it and would like to call myself paranoid. But the way she started flipping out and going around in a circle, following something with huge eyes and trying to pounce on whatever it was makes me think otherwise.
Whatever may possibly be behind me or lurking around, it better stay the fuck away. I made peace with the demons (and my own). I'm gonna pretend like this didn't happen and call it a cat thing. But it probably isn't.
Here's her looking at nothing:

Those lights in the mirror are my reading lights, not orbs

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Those lights in the mirror are my reading lights, not orbs. And that thing around her neck is a reflective safety collar, not some weird light form choking her. Thank fuck. Best believe I would've fled.
I'm just thanking hell that I'm cleaning out that room and fixing it so I can get away from here and move into that room. So this back hallway will be pretty much abandoned unless we use my current room as a spare. But I'll let whoever stays here figure it out on their own.
I actually don't fear what may be in the house or--most likely--hanging around me. But what I do fear is having to fear it.
Well, I'm calling it a night and going to bed. The cat is asleep now. Goodnight. Happy nightmares.
Sierra 🌙

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