Confessions from a Daycare Provider

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This job isn't my entire life, but my clients must think it is. This job isn't my dream job, but my coworkers must think it is. This job won't help me pay bills if I were on my own, but my boss must think it will.
I hide a lot of secrets and confessions from people about working in a daycare. I don't want to be labeled a "child hater" or be told to "go out the door" if I complain. It's not the best thing in the world, but it's tolerable for the meantime.
Confession #1: I hate most of the parents.
I just downright hate them. I don't care how strong of a word "hate" is. I fucking hate them with a burning passion. All of them. I can't even think of one kid whose parents I can tolerate. If I've spoken to them, there's always something I hate about them.
They complain too much. Too fucking much. If it's not that their child didn't eat his fucking goldfish crackers, it's that their child shit herself and has to wear daycare clothes because Mommy didn't plan ahead.
They want free childcare. These parents love skipping out the door without paying their fee. Sometimes they have overtime and don't pay it, and then proceed to get angry when we tell them they have to pay it or they will need to find a new provider.
They never listen to a single fucking thing we say. If their kid is sick and we tell them, they still come back the next day. If we tell them their baby is out of diapers and/or formula, they come back the next day without it and have the audacity to get an attitude when we call them and tell them to either bring it or take their child home.
They use their kids as paychecks. Some parents have several kids just to get benefits. We have a program for parents with low income and it's almost full. Most of these families get either food stamps, child support (several baby daddies), or other government assistance and keep having kids to get more. There's nothing wrong with needing assistance, but there's something wrong with using your kids and baby daddies as paychecks.
Confession #2: I don't give two shits if the parents catch me scolding their kid.
If I have to scold your kids multiple times a day, there's a problem with structure and parenting at home. These parents love to get an attitude and say we are "mean" when we don't let the kids get away with misbehavior. If I need to put a child in the corner for timeout, they are going in the corner. This is my job that I have to do. Fuck off.
Confession #3: I admit that some of the kids are ugly, and I'm not sorry.
I'm not saying I'm pretty or anything, because I'm not, but I swear these kids got beaten with the ugly stick at birth. Maybe they would be cuter if the parents actually have a shit about their appearance. The parents say Chanel but their child says Goodwill.
Clothes and hair aside, some children are just very unfortunate. My coworker, who I will call LittleRedShoes because of the red sneakers she wears and her very petite figure (4'10 and 115 pounds soaking wet), always makes fun of them, so I know it's not just me. She will whisper in my ear and tell me that a baby looks like an alien. LRS loves to pick flaws and roast these kids.
"These kids are so ugly. I hope they're cuter when they're older. It's just not happening right now."
I'm sorry to say that it's true.
Poor babies.
Confession #4: I cringe when people make the assumption that I love kids just because I work in childcare.
Is there really anyone who loves their minimum wage job? It's not a dream job at all. I'm not that fond of kids. I think they're gross and annoying. But it pays to take care of them and watch over them while Mommy and Daddy are busy making a sibling somewhere, or while Mommy is dancing on that pole.
I'll be honest and say that, while I feel for some of the kids and the shitty situations they're in, I see them as all the same. A paycheck. I do not use them like their parents do. I do my job well, get my money, and walk away.
I do not love kids. I do not love this job. But I love money. And that's enough. For now.
Confession #5: I'm more annoyed and angry than delighted when a kid calls me Mommy.
Society has this way of thinking that every woman wants to be a mom someday. This isn't true. So when some little kids call me Mommy, I get upset. I don't think it's "cute" or "precious" that they see me as the woman who raises them. I think it's very sad. This one toddler calls me Mommy all the time. I find it sad because his parents don't spend time with him, so he sees me more than them. It shows that there's some sort of neglect. I've never heard him call his real mom "Mommy."
I get a lot of teases from coworkers when I'm called Mommy. I'm open about not wanting kids, so they think it's some sort of sign. It's a sign alright. A sign that these kids have shitty parents.
I'm nobody's mother. I will keep it that way.
Confession #6: I judge parents. Hard.
I just do. From their clothes to the way they raise their kids. I judge. If you look like you're from a rich part of town but your kids look like they're homeless, I judge. If you have four or more kids, I judge. If your kids are misbehaved, I judge. If your kids are always filthy, I judge.
I can never say this to anyone's face because it's bad for business. But you can bet your ass that I'm judging. I give parents this "look" that just screams, "You're a fucking imbecile!" None of them seem to notice. The only time I can speak up is when I suspect abuse or neglect. But even then, I have to make it anonymous.
Confession #7: I hate when people leave their kids late and feel like keying their car when they come back.
We are "open" 24 hours but close after the last kid leaves because we don't have any overnight. This does not mean you can drop your snotty brat off at 7 am and not comeback until after 11 pm. Your kids need you more than anyone. Kids cry for their parents all day and it pisses me off to see them here 13+ hours each day, especially if they come back the next day and repeat it all over again.
If you have a demanding job that requires you to be at work 12+ hours a day, everyday, you either not complain about overtime and spend as much time with your kids as possible at home, or find a new job that isn't as demanding.
We are not a personal servant to only your kids. We can't have employees here for 15 hours straight looking after your kid. If your kid is here for 15+ hours, you will be notified, and if you don't answer, we will call CPS at 24 hours on your selfish and irresponsible ass.
Confession #8: Childcare sucks.
It does. It pays, but it sucks. If you don't want or like kids, this probably isn't the best job. It can be physically painful, too. It requires some vigorous moving and body-twisting. Not to mention getting sick occasionally. Prepare to go home with aching feet and a headache.
Anything can happen while working in childcare. Make sure you know CPR and keep an eye out for the little ones. Those assholes get into the biggest of troubles.
Needless to say, I'm happy to be going on vacation in 4 hours.
Sierra 🌙

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