Love is Like the Universe|Misc.

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Throughout my relationship, I've learned several things, one of them being that love is unpredictable. You never know what will happen today, tomorrow, or a year from now. You never know how love will grow, or how it will dwindle.

But I do know one thing; love is unstoppable. It's a force of nature, strong, forceful, and invincible. And that's a good thing. It's like being pulled and sucked through the entire universe several million light years to one single point in the center. It hurts, and it feels good all at once. You feel lost in such a big space, but you also feel at peace once you reach the point you've been pulled to.

Anything can happen in the universe. Things can break, things can form into something more powerful than the sun itself, things can permanently bond together, things can shift and move rapidly before your very eyes, things can hurt like hell, and things can slow down and you can fall into a new dimension with new things to see. Sometimes you lose air, you lose something vital to your life, you lose at lot of things. But you learn, and you move.

When the stars collide, it can create something even more beautiful, bigger and better. Or it can form into something deadly and inevitable; a black hole that leads to the point of no return. Whatever it is, it leads to something, somewhere, somehow.

The universe continues to move and change each second we live. Some things shoot past within seconds, some are so slow that it takes forever to become something and grow. But it moves. Always. It doesn't matter at what speed or where it's headed; it moves. Time passes, even if the definition of "time" is different for certain points in the universe.

New things happen each day. New stars, new planets, a bigger and more amazing universe. We experience something different each day we breathe. There's always something to feel, to see, to enjoy, to feel the pain of. It's part of life and love itself.

For those who have never experienced love, it's just like the universe we're spinning in. Big, scary, sometimes dark, sometimes bright, and always fascinating and beautiful.

All in all, how love grows and how it kindles is different for everyone. But there's one point in the center of it all that remains the same; it's unpredictable. We love a little more and a little less each day. Things thrive, things die. Things are kindled and things are extinguished every day. And that is something we all have to live with.

I don't always know where I'm going with my own girlfriend, but that's the best part. Sometimes I get a little scared, a little jealous, a little insecure, but she's the point I'm pulled to. It's an experience, like flying through space. Many things pass us by but we're stuck to each other.

This has been the scariest but the most fascinating experience of my life. Love pulled me to the center. I had to go through many things to get there, but I made it, whether by instinct, by nature, or by force. There's no telling what actually happened. Those feelings were just. . .there.

Love really is like the universe. When you feel yourself being pulled somewhere, let yourself go. It may hurt but it's inevitable. You aren't being pulled for no reason. "It happens" is a reason in itself. It's just a force all the stars go through.

I'll take whatever comes. Everything that passes me by, everything that hits me, everything that tries to pull me and my girlfriend apart, the creation of new feelings, and the ones that die out. After all, I'm moving. I'm thriving. I'm growing. Even being bonded to a single point, I'm still alive and moving. And I couldn't be any happier with that.
Sierra 🌙

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